≥ 1台¥3850.00
脉冲除尘器 采用 380V三相电源工作的,使用时间长,可以连续工作长达36小时以上。吸力强劲、储尘容积大、使用寿命长、可耐高温等优点,特别是工业集尘机对吸取物几乎无要求,各类材质、各种形状的废弃介质物都可以吸取,通过对过滤介质,如滤芯、滤袋等的调整,可以吸收达0.1微米精度的固体颗粒物,可适用于精细化工、精密机械等行业。
集尘器 过滤系统:颗粒粉尘和微细粉尘粉尘及烟雾的区分,脉冲工业集尘器针对细微颗粒 细微粉尘及烟雾的吸附,提高企业形象及清洁车间环境吗,有利于员工工作的稳定性,脉冲反吹清灰系统,可自动吹落吸附粉尘,滤芯可通过清理重复使用,喷吹法多角喷吹,清灰更。除铸造过程中产生的的废砂、金属毛刺、氧化铁皮;清理淤泥,布袋集尘机主要针对颗粒粉尘,易收集,不易飞散型。
1. The assembly structure of the filter cylinder is completely different from that of the LL type inclined insert drawer type, but the vertical assembly structure is adopted. Its advantages are: (1) small footprint; (2) The efficiency of pulse-jet ash cleaning is improved by 25 ~ 30% compared with LL type oblique drawer structure, so that the efficiency of the filter cartridge with the same area unit is improved by 25 ~ 30%.
集尘器 是我司针对金属磨床设备精心设计的。为工业磨床粉尘处理而量身打造的,除尘设备以柜式的,柜体内分为上中下三部结构,上部分是集尘器主机,中部分是精密熔喷无妨布袋过滤粉尘,下部分是抽屉式集粉尘柜,便于粉尘的清理。合理的设计大大的节省空间,深受广大工业制造业和加工业的亲昧。
1。 一般在实际使用中,要据磨床所吸废料的重量及密度来判定工业吸尘机的吸力大小。工业打磨灰尘集尘器使用说明:
滤筒在吸尘机中的布置很重要,既可以垂直布置在箱体花板上,也可以倾斜布置 在花板上,从清灰效果看,垂直布置较为合理。花板下部为过滤室,上部为气箱脉冲室。在除尘器入口处装有气流分布板。
The power part of the host generally uses 380V power electricity as power source: most of the power part of the industrial vacuum cleaner choose 380V industrial power supply to ensure strong power. The 380V industrial motor equipped with industrial vacuum cleaner can work continuously for 24 hours and is durable.
Reduce the incidence of occupational diseases, improve work efficiency, to ensure the safety of operators, MCJC series products with beautiful appearance, large air volume, pulse reverse blowing dust cleaning for the characteristics, vacuum cleaner in the industrial application is in the application of clean room, the use of integrated cabinet structure.