脉冲集尘器 柜式脉冲集尘器加工中一般会使用铣床和磨床设备,磨床的磨削工艺加工中不可避免的会产生大量的灰尘,如金属灰、砂轮灰、砂轮颗粒、砂轮混合灰尘等等,这些粉尘如果不能够得到处理将会飘散到车间的空气中以及设备上面,工人在这种环境中工作如何能够身体的健康,如何合理的清除并收集这些灰尘,打造一个洁净的磨床工作车间是势在必行的。
1、 激光切割机除尘器,也是滤筒除尘器的一种,是解决目前市场深圳大族、武汉法利莱、武汉维拓、通快激光等一些激光切割机金属切割时产生大量火花与烟尘问题而定向开发的产品。
2、 该机型融合了火花捕捉器、除尘器、风机、电控柜、泄灰装置于一体,即插即用。
3、 以深圳大族激光切割机其自带的切割平台底部为例,出厂时候就会有 1个直径200-300MM左右的排风口。除尘器的底部进风口出厂前会预留200MM、250MM、300MM三种标准规格的法兰接口。
4、 除尘器是一体机,收货后搬运摆放在激光切割机旁边。用带钢丝的塑胶管道或者其它铁制的硬质管道,把切割平台底部的排风口与除尘器底部的进风口串联起来即可。
5、 在除尘器自带的电控柜中接入电源,即可开机运行机组。
Fans are widely used in grinding worktable to absorb dust particles, large-area dust collection in workshop, etc; At the same time, it is applied to the on-site collection of dry high concentration dust and crushed materials produced in powder absorption, metallurgy, machinery, building materials, ceramics, plastics, chemical industry, medicine, tobacco and other industries. It is especially suitable for the filtration of fine and fine powder dust produced in the process of crushing, feeding, mixing, filling, metering, loading and other operations, as well as the recovery of precious metal particles and high value-added material dust.
特的台式设计非常 *,内置式除尘系统,风机隔声,无须管道连接,清洁后的空气可在室内循环排放,减少了能源开支。这种工作台既能有效捕捉细小悬浮尘埃而又不干涉工人的移动和视野,它是中、小型精细加工、不规则部件的理想选择。它可与的烟尘净化器连接,又可与激光切割系统连接。
The vertical combined structure is adopted, which is composed of push-pull drawer type dust storage, filter cartridge dust removal, pulse jet dust removal and air outlet. The dust collection effect is 99.5% in an economic way. The modular combined design can be determined according to the user space. The power of the dust collector ranges from 0.75 kW to 22 kW. It is equipped with a secondary filtration system. The advanced plunger explosion back cleaning system is applied to optimize the back cleaning and a variety of filter materials, It can be applied to the collection of various smoke and dust.