≥ 1台¥3850.00
特的台式设计非常 *,内置式除尘系统,风机隔声,无须管道连接,清洁后的空气可在室内循环排放,减少了能源开支。这种工作台既能有效捕捉细小悬浮尘埃而又不干涉工人的移动和视野,它是中、小型精细加工、不规则部件的理想选择。它可与的烟尘净化器连接,又可与激光切割系统连接。
全风环保-年度产品--工业集尘器、工业除尘器、工业吸尘器、、、采用箱体集尘原理,箱体内外为纳米喷塑处理,表面光泽无瑕疵。内有隔音棉设计,5个精密无纺布袋,不但噪音低、吸尘效果亦更佳!【选择工业集尘器,选择 全风环保科技股份有限公司 ,是您无悔的选择!】
具有可连续24 小时使用,吸力强劲、储尘容积大、使用寿命长、可耐高温等优点,特别是工业吸尘器对吸取物几乎无要求,各类材质、各种形状的废弃介质物都可以吸取,通过对过滤介质,如滤芯、滤袋等的调整,可吸收达0.1微米精度的固体颗粒物,可适用于精细化工、精密机械等行业。
PTFE coated filter material is suitable for wet dust gas, because the contact Angle between filter material and water is greater than 108 degrees, so that the wet dust attached to the surface of the filter material is not sticky filter material, easy to blow off, thus, completely solve the problem of wet dust condensation sticky material.
粉尘集尘器涵盖脉冲式 移动型、固定型、固液分离型、 工业集尘器等系列多种型号。产品融入了国际化的设计理念,着行业产品潮流,为中国汽车制造、造船、电力、石油化工、纺织、食品、制药、电子等行业坚持不懈地提供着完善及的技术咨询和快捷的产品服务,是发展的中国工业可信赖的工业吸尘设备供应商。适用于金属铁屑、石膏粉尘、水泥粉尘、橡胶粉末等类似尘埃和湿尘的收集。
具有可连续 24 小时使用,吸力强劲、储尘容积大、使用寿命长、可耐高温等优点,特别是工业吸尘器对吸取物几乎无要求,各类材质、各种形状的废弃介质物都可以吸取,通过对过滤介质,如滤芯、滤袋等的调整,可以吸收达 0.1 微米精度的固体颗粒物,可适用于精细化工、精密机械等行业。
The automatic pulse ash cleaning system regularly cleans the dust attached to the filter to avoid dust. The filtered purified gas is discharged from the air outlet and can be directly discharged indoors for recycling. It can also be discharged outdoors as required to reduce the air resistance of the filter and improve the dust removal efficiency.
By the dust gas by the fan through vacuum tube suction box, enter the filter cartridge, cartridge dust particles are resistance in the surface, filtered out of the air purification air to escape from the outlet can be directly discharge cycle use indoors, can also be emitted according to need, the dust removal filter is a gravity, inertia force, collision, electrostatic adsorption, screen, etc. The result of comprehensive effect.