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Project name: construction of ecological agriculture demonstration project, the construction main content: the project plan for 50 mu, plans to build ecological agriculture demonstration garden, the project construction in accordance with the nature of the land for agricultural development. Major equipment: tractor, planting machine, etc.,备案内容如下:一、建设:新密市岳村镇岳村村二、建设主要内容:项目租赁车间厂房等2800平方米。面包生产工艺流程:原材料(外购面粉等)—配料—和面—压面—成型—发酵—烘烤—切片—包装—成品入库。肉松饼生产工艺流程:原材料(外购面粉、豌豆等)煮豆—压豆—炒馅—配料—和面—成型—烘烤—包装—成品入库。主要设备:电子秤、和面机、压面机、成型机、烤箱、切片机、面包自动夹心机、高速枕式自动包装机、蒸汽锅炉、压豆机、炒锅等。市场前景良好。三、建设起止年限:2016年10月至2017年05月四、总投资:800万元,其中:企业自筹800万元,国内0万元,其它资金0万元。备案。。

备案。,Project name: annual output of 20000 square meters of stone processing projects, the construction of the main content: the project leasing the stone city factory building area of 3116 square meters, annual output of 20000 square meters of stone processing for construction projects. Manufacturing process: raw materials, cutting, edge grinding, adhesive and so on - finished products; Major equipment: infrared, copying machine, pouring machine, etc., after the completion of the project, the market prospect is good.。

项目名称:年产4万套家具生产项目。建设主要内容:总建筑面积45169平方米,主要建设5栋厂房,建筑面积35944平方米,科研楼1栋,建筑面积3240平方米,生产辅助用房2栋,建筑面积5265平方米,职工餐厅1栋,建筑面积720平方米。工艺流程:设计→下单→开料→铣型→排钻→打孔→批灰→底漆→油磨→面漆→修色→包装→入库。主要设备:推台锯、电子开料锯、双面刨床刨床、排钻、封边机、镂铣机、精密锯、雕洗机、吸尘机、砂光机、刨光机等。企业名称:河南天力电气设备有限公司经核查,你单位申请,Project name: annual production of 15000 sets of car floor customization project. Construction of the main content: the project leasing workshop 2000 square meters, the construction of annual production of 15000 sets of car floor customization project. Technology: raw materials - cut molding - paste the lower material - punchs a hole drilling - finished goods inventory. Major equipment: precision saws, carving machine, drilling, cold press machine, etc.,Project name: has grown two millimeters of 5000 security doors construction projects. Construction of the main content: the main production workshop 10000 square meters, construction management, warehousing, housing 4000 square meters, 1000 square meters of office space. The purchase of production equipment installed. Technology: purchase raw material, shear, bending, welding, polishing, assembling. Major equipment: press, shearing machine, bending machine, welding machine, glue machine, plasma cutting machine, etc.。









备案。,项目名称:加油站建设项目。项目内容:总投资500万元,面积5.6亩。新建罩棚、办公用房及附属用房等计400平方米。工艺技术:油罐车—防静电装置—密封卸油管—储油罐—加油机售油。主要装备:汽油加油机4台,柴油加油机4台,50立方米地下储油罐3具。 。

Project name: mushroom mushroom color sweet ecological sightseeing picking garden construction projects. The construction of the main content: the total cover an area of 271 mu. The edible fungus canopy covers an area of 13333.3 ㎡; Single layer 1333.3 ㎡, residential buildings land restaurant covers an area of 2000 ㎡, fishing entertainment covers an area of 2666.6 ㎡, specialty store covers an area of 2000 ㎡, garden covers an area of 4000 ㎡; Ecological culture zones 3333.3 ㎡; Park area 6666.6 ㎡ mu; Area of 206 mu (137333.3 ㎡); Other public service facilities, 8000 ㎡. Park road, 1200 meters; Major equipment: edible fungus cultivation should be: mix machine, bag machine, grinder, etc.; Fruit tree planting needs: nursery greenhouses, drip irrigation, spray pesticide machinery and other equipment.,Project name: processing 2000 tons of large-scale mechanical parts project. Construction of the main content: the construction project: the project construction production workshop 8000 square meters, building area of 3000 square meters. Technology: purchase raw material according to drawing according to the request of material to cutting molding to riveter assembly, welding, assembly and testing and delivery of the goods; Major equipment: 125 drilling machine, 220 boring and milling machine, 160 boring and milling machine, landing hey landing end milling machine, gantry milling machine, 100 tons of hey horizontal lathe, planer, crown crown, 20 tons.备案的濮阳市国义门业有限公司锌铁合金门技改项目,符合产业政策,准予。

Project name: the 2 mw solar photovoltaic modules, LED lamps and lanterns is 30000 sets of processing project. Construction of the main content: the project covers an area of 1000 square meters, the newly built production workshop, warehouse, office, a total construction area of 2500 square meters. Technology: 1. LED lamps and lanterns: production process outsourcing LED chips, aluminum board, electronic components, such as by drawing, plate , patch, packaging, testing, finished product packaging warehousing. 2. Photovoltaic module production technology: outsourcing of monocrystalline silicon wafer, tempered glass, aluminum alloy materials such as raw materials by sorting - welding - laminated - - cure - in the check assembly, testing, packaging, warehousing. Major equipment: placement machine, reflow soldering, integral ball, laminating machine, separator, etc.,备案的平顶山市融方生态农业有限公司农业生态观光园项目,该项目符合《产业结构目录(2013年修订)》中鼓励类大类农林业第3、第10条和第三十四大类旅游业第2条规定,准予。

Project name: 900 tons of annual sales civil liquefied gas construction projects. The main content: the construction content: the total construction area of 600 square meters, including tank farm area of 60 square meters to 230 square meters and fill, office living area of 200 square meters. Technological process: outsourcing of liquefied gas - storage - filling - sales. Major equipment: buried LPG storage tanks, liquefied gas compressor and liquid pump, automatic filling scale, distribution cabinets, and fire control facilities, etc.; Expected annual sales of 900 tons of liquefied.,备案。,项目名称:大型农果蔬生态旅游观光基地项目。项目内容:总投资2亿元,使用土地5000亩,其中建筑用地90亩,流转用于种养殖等用地4000余亩。建筑种植养殖区、采摘观光区、仓储物流区、线上线下交易展示区、综合服务区,形成集种养殖、、观光于一体的生态农业旅游观光基地。。


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