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民国元年(1914年)四川大汉军铸 大汉银币,币值有:一元、五角、二角、一角四种。二角正面中央是秋海棠 花饰,环围“四川银币”,外有“军造”、“壹圆”,左右分列四瓣花星,背面中央篆文“汉”,旁围十八星,外有“民国元年”和四瓣花星。币面图案介绍:正面图案中央是一个很大的篆书汉字,代表了新大汉的意思,了驱除鞑奴的主题,汉字周围有18个小圆圈,象征着当年响应辛亥革命的十八个省,两侧有四瓣花星,上方有民国元年六字. 边齿等局部有磨损,流通痕迹明显,但是透过自然的包浆,可看到质地银白发亮,底子平整,压力充足,显示出其币含银量很高,属于军政部银币。军造四川壹圆银币代表了中国近代的货币文化,反映了我国近代历史、经济、金融的兴衰和沧桑,具有较高的艺术观赏性和文物价值。
In the first year of the Republic of China (1914), the military government of Sichuan Han Dynasty minted silver coins with four values: one yuan, five cents, two cents and one dime. Begonia flower ornaments surround the "Sichuan silver coin" at the front of the two corners, with "made by the military government" and "a circle" outside. Four flower stars are arranged on the left and right sides. On the back, the central seal inscription "Han" is surrounded by eighteen stars. Outside, there are "the first year of the Republic of China" and four flower stars. Introduction to the coin surface pattern: The central part of the front pattern is a large seal character, which represents the meaning of the new government's big man, highlights the theme of expulsion of tar slaves. There are 18 small circles around the Chinese characters, symbolizing the eighteen provinces that responded to the 1911 Revolution. There are four flower stars on both sides and six characters in the first year of the Republic of China on the top. It can be seen that the texture is silver and shiny, the foundation is smooth and the pressure is sufficient, which shows that the silver content of the coin is very high, and it belongs to the fine silver coin of the Ministry of Military Affairs. The one-yuan silver coin made by the military government in Sichuan represents the monetary culture of modern China, reflects the rise and fall of modern history, economy and finance, and has high artistic appreciation and cultural relic value.
古钱币是一个国家历史中组成的重要部分,其特定的历史时期在钱币史上占据着重要的地位,它不仅代表着近代中国的货币文化,反映了我国近代历史、经济、金融的兴衰和沧桑。Ancient coins are an important part of a country's history. Their specific historical period occupies an important position in the history of coins. They not only represent the currency culture of modern China, but also reflect the rise and fall of modern history, economy and finance.我国所铸造的银钱在融合了以往文化内涵的同时又能与时俱进,成为历代钱币中为辉煌的存在。武昌起义后,各省先后宣布立,保路军包围了成都。赵尔丰控制不住四川的局面,只得将政权交给四川保路运动的领导人蒲殿俊等立宪派人士。于是,四川省也宣告立,成立了“大汉四川军”,并接管成都造币分厂。为扩充军需,铸造发行了这种“汉”字银币。文中此“四川银币”“壹圆”版银元正面图案中央是一个很大的篆书“汉”字,代表了新“大汉”的意思,具有反清意义。“汉”字周围有18个小圆圈,象征着当年响应辛亥革命的十八个省,两侧有四瓣花星;背面图案中央是一朵精美的芙蓉花,象征蓉城成都;花的四周环有“四川银币”四字,上方是“军造”四字,两侧仍有四瓣花星。There are 18 small circles around the word "Han", which symbolizes the eighteen provinces that responded to the 1911 Revolution, with four flower stars on both sides; in the center of the back is a beautiful Hibiscus flower, which symbolizes Chengdu, Rongcheng; the four characters of "Sichuan silver coin" surround the flower, and above it is "made by the military government", with four flower stars on both sides此钱币含银的成色非常之高,是目前银币市场的十珍之一,具有很大的收藏空间值得收藏!
The silver content of this coin is very high. It is one of the ten treasures in the silver coin market at present. It has a large collection space and is worth collecting.
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