≥ 100米¥76.00
山东冠县圣高交通设施有限公司生产+销售+安装双波护栏板,防阻块,立柱,柱帽,喷塑护栏板,镀锌护栏板,双波及三波护栏板在进行护栏设计时,应该按照考虑道路前提、交通前提和交通办理状况等各类前提。 同时设计者应熟悉道路情况,尤其是线形设计、交通T程、交通平安和道路交通办理、尺度规范的由来、全生命周期的概念、领会道路扶植、利用和维修各阶段的环境等相关,才能具年夜限度地知足护栏的利用要求, 包管设计优良。高速公路护栏板特点:折弯即增添美不雅性,同时增添栏板强度,两者兼得; 主动成型而成,概况整洁无毁伤,防腐性;概况处置体例成熟;防腐、防老化、抗晒、耐高、低温等特点,室外情况中利用寿命可达10-25年; 产物布局精练、美不雅适用、便于运输、安装,防盗机能好,受现实地形限制小,对于山地、坡地、多弯地带顺应性特强,成本适中,适合年夜面积采用。路侧护栏具有诱导视线的感化,合理设置的路侧护栏可以缓解驾驶员视觉委靡,消弭驾驶员在的严重情感,使他们在比力放松的心态下对车辆的节制加倍自在,降低交通变乱发生的概率。
山东冠县圣高交通设施有限公司生产+销售+安装双波护栏板,防阻块,立柱,柱帽,喷塑护栏板,镀锌护栏板,双波及三波护栏板是一种操纵土基、立柱、横梁的变形来吸引碰撞能量,迫使改变标的目的,恢复到正常行驶标的目的,防止车辆公路波形护栏板的分类:The guardrail plate is a kind of deformation by using soil base, column and crossbeam to attract collision energy, forcing the vehicle to change direction, return to normal driving direction, to prevent the vehicle off the road, protect the passengers and vehicles in the car, so as to reduce the loss of the accident. Classification of highway wave barrier plate:1)、按防撞品级,可分为A级和S级。S级增强型的,合用于路侧出格危险的路段利用。A级护栏则用于生产公路。常用栏板又分为B、A、SB、SA、SS等五级。1), according to the collision level, can be divided into class A and S. S is a guardrail reinforced, suitable for use in the roadside especially dangerous road. A class a fence is used for special road. Commonly used to measure the fence board is divided into B, A, SB, SA, SS and other five.2)、按波形,可分为二波波形和三波波形等。2), according to the waveform, can be divided into two wave and three wave waveform, etc..3)、按处置建造工艺,可分为热镀锌波形和镀锌喷塑波形等。3), according to the production process, can be divided into hot dip galvanized spray waveform and waveform.4)、地址,可分为中心隔离带护栏和路侧边防护栏等。4), according to the location, can be divided into the central isolation belt and a roadside guardrail side fence etc..常用规格:二波波形护栏板:4320*310*85*3/4mm; 二波护栏板立柱:Φ114/Φ140 mm×4.5mm×高度; 三波波形护栏板:4320*506*85*4mm;三波护栏板立柱:130*130mm×6mm×高度。Common specifications: two wave guardrail plate: 4320*310*85*3/4mm; two wave guardrail plate column: 114/ diameter Phi 140 mm x 4.5mm x height; three wave guardrail plate: 4320*506*85*4mm; three wave guardrail plate column: 130*130mm * 6mm * height.护栏板特点:能与道路线形相协调,能在较小半径弯路安装,易损坏处也轻易改换。外表美不雅,安装便当等。Characteristic: it is a continuous structure, which is combined with the semi steel corrugated barrier plate and the column support. It can be said that the steel is flexible and has better effect of line of sight and better collision energy absorption ability. Can be coordinated with the road alignment, can be installed in a smaller radius of the bend, easy to replace the vulnerability is also easy to replace. Beautiful appearance, convenient installation, etc...