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绿盟科技<br /><br />拉挤结构型材:<br />玻璃钢结构型材是以玻璃纤维增强材料、树脂为胶粘剂、玻璃纤维布为包体的增强层,通过透彻的渗透,在金属模具中加热、成型、固化、牵引机牵引牵引等一种新型复合材料,具有良好的物理性能。<br /><br />用途:广泛应用于高强度钢结构中。<br /><br />特点:耐腐蚀、低维护、阻燃剂、安装成本低、重金属保险箱、使用寿命长、电气和热不导电、高强度重量比。<br /><br />需求:建筑的、桥梁和公路、化学的、食品饮料、制造业、金属矿业、微电子、石油与GSA、制药的、功率、浆纸、娱乐、电信、交通运输、水和废水。<br /><br />应用:拉挤玻璃纤维结构形状由GREENLOGY生产,应用范围广泛,具有特的耐腐蚀性、高强度、尺寸稳定性和轻质性,以及热和电不导电性。的GREENLOGY形状为传统钢、铝或木部件的区域提供多年的低维护服务。如今,这些形状通常用于高度腐蚀性的应用中,在这些应用中,曾经需要不锈钢和其他昂贵的部件。<br /><br />简介:GREENLOGY拥有的工程设计人员和工程安装人员,可根据客户需要参与或提供工程设计、培训施工人员、现场安装、工程管理等服务,始终把“24小时服务”、“服务”、“全过程服务”、“终身服务”作为我们的服务宗旨。<br /><br />GREENLOGY<br /><br />FRP structural shapes profile is made of glass fiber reinforced material, resin as adhesive, glass fiber cloth as a package reinforcement layer, through the thorough penetration, in the metal mold heating, molding, curing, drawing in the traction machine pulled A new type of composite material, with good physical properties, widely used in high strength, large span Situation.<br /><br />The characteristics:<br />Corrosion Resistant<br />Low Maintenance<br />Fire Retardant<br />Low Install Cost<br />Heavy Metal Safe<br />Long Service Life<br />Electrically & Thermally Non Conductive<br />High Strength-to-Weight Ratio<br /><br />Markets:<br />Architectural<br />Bridge & Highway<br />Chemical<br />Food & Beverage<br />Manufacturing<br />Metals & Mining<br />Microelectronics<br />Oil & Gsa<br />Pharmaceutical<br />Power<br />Pulp & Paper<br />Recreation<br />Telecommunications<br />Transportation<br />Water & Wastewater<br /><br />Application: <br /> GREENLOGYpultruded fiberglass structural shapes from Genius Composite Inc. are used in a wide range of applications and provide a unique combination of corrosion resistance, high strength, dimensional stability and light weight, along with thermal and electric non-conductivity. Durable GREENLOGY shapes provide years of low maintenance service in areas where steel, aluminum or wood components are traditionally specified. Today ,these shapes are often used in highly corrosive applications where stainless steel and other expensive components were once required.<br />Greenlogy FRP grating is widely used in landing (industrial) floor, stairs and walkways and platforms. Using glass fiber reinforced plastic grille has many advantages: glass fiber reinforced plastic grille, weather resistance, low maintenance cost, has a long service life and good anti-skid performance. In addition, the glass fiber reinforced plastic grille is simple, fast, flexible processing and assembly.<br /><br />

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