MPI metropoleproducts放大器RPA-SAT-100D
A remote, bidirectional power amplifier/low noise
preamplifier designed to be used with DAMAcompatible
UHF SATCOM Systems. The
weatherproof amplifier is located remotely with the
SATCOM antenna. The radio port and the antenna
port use diplexer filters to separate transmit and
receive bands, easily meeting DAMA switching times
without the additional noise of the solid-state
switches. Transmit and receive filters and a wide
range low noise amplifier allow multiple antennas to
be side-by-side without interfering with one another.
The output power and the receive gain switch both
have four settings. When DC power is off the unit
automatically switches to RF bypass mode with
insertion loss of <1dB. The RPA-SAT-100D is
certified for DAMA operation with the AN/PSC-5
? Allows remote mounting of antennas without transmit power or
receive signal loss
? Provides 25/40/65/100 Watts of transmit power
? User selectable receive gain of 7/14/21/28 dB
? LNA noise figure of 2.5 dB provides good system G/T performance
? Minimizes interference from co-located antennas
? Operating voltage supplied over coaxial cable
? Proven in fixed site, field, and mobile applications
? Operational cooling units for 65 and 100 Watt operation
? Certified for DAMA operation