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输送带接头方法》《The conveyer belt joint method》
All of the conveyor belt must meet a ring to use, so the stand or fall of conveyor belt joint can directly affect the service life of the conveyor belt and conveyor line smooth running smoothly. Methods general conveyor belt joint with mechanical joints, cold, hot vulcanizing bonding joint joint, etc.
《尼龙输送带保养与维护》《The nylon conveyor belt maintenance and maintenance》

1、输送胶带在运输和贮存中,应保持清洁避免阳光直射或雨雪浸淋,防止与酸、碱、油类、有机溶剂等物质接触,并距离发热装置一米以外。 橡胶输送带 尼龙输送带 花纹输送带
2、贮存时仓库温度宜保持一18-40℃之间,相对湿度宜保持在50- 80%之间。

1, in transportation and storage, the belt should be kept clean and avoid direct sunlight or snow and rain leaching leaching, prevent from acid, alkali, oil, organic solvents, such as physical contact, and distance from the heating device one meter away.
2, storage warehouse temperature should keep a between 18 to 40 ℃, relative humidity should be kept between 50-80%.
3, during storage, the product must be placed in rolls, folding, should be placed during quarterly turn once.
4, layer number of different types and specifications of the conveyor belt should not be connect together to use, its connection with glue joint is best.
5, belt type, structure, specification and layer should be selected according to conditions of use reasonable.
6, conveyor belt running speed should not be commonly more than 2.5 m/s, big pieces, abrasion resistant materials and using fixed pear discharging device should be used as far as possible at low speed.
7, conveyor drive roller conveyor belt and the diameter of the relationship between layers, drive roller, redirection roller and the requirement for roller groove Angle should be prescribed according to the design of the conveyor, reasonable selection.
8, the feeding direction should be along the belt running direction, to reduce the material impact to tape down shall adopt chute, reduce material falling distance; Tape by material paragraph should shorten the roller, buffer roller spacing and used for the material leakage, take to use soft moderate keep-off board, in order to avoid gear plate quality, scraping the broken conveyor belt surface.
9, conveyer belt in use should be paid attention to the following: (1) avoid rollers is covered by the material, causing rotation is ineffective, prevent leakage of material between the roller and the tape, pay attention to the lubrication activities section, but not the oil conveying belt; (2) avoid loading starts; (3) belt running deviation, application to take steps to correct; (4) found that the local loss of viscose tape application repair, lest expanding;

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