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DMHP-8-16/80A 8极管式滑触线 多排铜条安全滑导线 绝缘外壳滑导线 DMHP-8-16平方滑触线 安全滑导线 多排铜条滑导线 管式多极安全滑触线 U型滑触线 铜导体滑触线 封闭式滑触线
DMHP-8-16/80A 8极管式滑触线 多排铜条安全滑导线 绝缘外壳滑导线 DMHP-8-16平方滑触线 安全滑导线 多排铜条滑导线 管式多极安全滑触线 U型滑触线 铜导体滑触线 封闭式滑触线 管式多极滑触线可有应用于厂矿、库房、车站、港口码头的其中机械,如电动葫芦、梁式和桥式起重机、电梯、自动化生产线和其他移动的用电设备。
Serial No. of working procedure 工序名称
Name of working procedure 安 装 程 序 及 要 求
Installation procedure and requirements
1 安装提挂夹
Installation of angle steel bracket 用螺栓或焊接方式按规定间距把角钢支架固定在行车轨梁或道轨垫板上(用压板螺栓压紧,或焊接在垫板上)。支架在整个线上的平直,角钢的伸出尺寸一致,角钢要平行不能歪斜。
Fix angle steel brackets on track rail beam or rail tie-plate as per specified spacing by using bolt or welding method (press it tightly by using follower bolt, or weld it on tie-plate). It is essential to ensure that brackets are straight on the whole line, extruding dimensions of angle steel are identical and angle steels should be paralleled with each other rather than inclined.
2 安装提挂夹
Installation of suspension clip 将提挂夹套装在滑触线上,紧固螺栓待调整好位置后拧紧。
Install suspension clip on sliding-contact wire, and fasten bolt tightly after adjustment of position.
3 安装滑触线
Installation of sliding-contact wire 将套装提挂夹的滑触线安装在角钢支架上,此时螺母不要拧紧。用连接螺栓将相邻两根滑触线连接好,连接处应平滑,间隙<0.5mm。装上接头护套,依次装好全部滑触线,调整提挂夹螺栓,使每根滑触线与起重机道轨的相对位置平整、水平、垂直误差在全长上不大于10mm,拧紧紧固螺栓,集电器运行畅通。
Install sliding-contact wire fixed with suspension clip on angle steel bracket, do not fasten nut tightly at the moment. Connect two adjacent sliding-contact wires by using bolt, joint should be smooth, with spacing <0.5mm. Install connector sheath, install all sliding-contact wires in proper order, adjust suspension clip bolt, so that the relative position between each sliding-contact wire and crane track rail is flat and leveled, with vertical error no more than 10mm in the whole length, tighten fastening bolt tightly, so as to ensure smooth operation of current collector.
4 安装进线盒
Installation of leading-in box 按预先设计好的输电位置安装进线盒,一定要旋紧,再装上护罩。
Install leading-in box as per the power transmission position designed in advance, it is essential to screw tightly before installing cover.
5 安装固定夹
Installation of retaining clip 按照设计方案安装固定夹。
Install retaining clip as per design.
6 安装端盖
Installation of pothead 在滑触线的两头安装端盖,或安装在整条滑触线不进线的一端,可在吊挂前先装上。
Install potheads on both ends of sliding-contact wire, or install it on the end of the whole sliding-contact wire without leading-in, it is also allowed to install before suspension.
7 检查
Inspection 整条滑触线安装好后应认真检查,滑触线是否平直,间距是否一致,提挂夹是否旋紧。接头处是否平滑。
After completion of installation of the whole sliding-contact wire, it is necessary to inspect carefully whether sliding-contact wire is straight, whether spaces are identical, whether suspension is screwed tightly, and whether joints are smooth.
8 安装集电器
Installation of current collector 将拨叉插入集电器腰部,并将拨叉焊牢在起重机适当部位,将集电器推入滑触线内检查集电器与导线接触是否良好,运行是否通畅,否则应进行调整。
Insert shifting fork into waist position of current collector, and weld shifting fork firmly on appropriate position of crane, push current collector into sliding-contact wire and inspect whether current collector and conductive wire are of good contact, and whether operation is smooth, otherwise it is necessary to adjust.
9 集电器的电缆线与用电设备的电缆线接好
Connection of cable of current collector with cable of power consumption equipment 注意在接线前,应按常规检查电机的各项绝缘要求是否符合要求,若出现异常应检修或更换。
Before wire connection, make sure to inspect whether insulation requirements of electric motor are met, in case of abnormity, it is necessary to inspect, repair or replace.
10 接电源
Connection of power supply 管式多极安全滑触线供电进线有两种方式,中间进线时将电源相应型号的接线端子拧紧后,再与滑触线导体连接件组装拧紧螺栓。端部进线将电源接线端子组装在滑触线端部导体上,然后装上进线盒。
There are two types of power supply lead-in of tubular multi-pole safe sliding-contact wire, for middle position lead-in, after tightening relevant model of connection terminal of power supply, assemble with sliding-contact wire conductor connector and tighten bolt. For end position lead-in, assemble power supply terminal on sliding-contact wire end conductor, and then install lead-in box.
11 通电试车
Power-on and trial run 先将滑触线进行复核,确认无误时,方可通电。再空载试车,往复运行几个来回,若无异常即可投入负荷试车,观察电压、电流是否正常,若有异常应立即停车,切断电源,进行检查,故障排除后再投入运行。
Firstly recheck sliding-contact wire, and power on only after confirmation of no error. Then proceed with trial run under no load for several times of reciprocating operation, begin under-load trial run if there is no abnormity, observe whether voltage and current are normal, shut down immediately in case of abnormity, disconnect power supply and inspect, and proceed with operation again after elimination of malfunctions.