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关键词 遥控器底座;注射模;设计;PP
With the superior performance of the continuous development of engineering plastics, industry, public sector, the needs of a variety of plastic products is growing, injection technology increasingly used in the manufacture of various performance requirements of forming the products. The quality of injection mold design, injection molding machine applications products, forming a direct impact on productivity, quality and cost. Mold can be a good injection molding millions of times, because of their longer life expectancy, on the other hand reduces the cost of plastic parts molding and die as a result of a good replacement, less maintenance, thereby increasing their production efficiency. In order to meet the growing industry demands and the people need to live goods, we should continue research and development designed to enhance the performance of injection mold injection mold in order to meet the needs of all walks of life.
In this design, through the use of CAD base on the remote control to carry out a second cave-mode design and development, including convex and concave mold design, the introduction of body design, the choice of injection machine and check, gating system design, cooling system design, selection of moldbase work. In this design, is designed to focus on parts and components in the molding that is convex and concave mold design and casting systems, cooling system design. One of gating system and cooling system design is the soul of a mold design, gating system design of a direct impact on the molding plastic parts quality and production efficiency. Therefore, the gating system design is the focus of injection mold design work. At the same time, mold temperature on the plastic parts of the quality and production efficiency is also a direct impact, mold temperature control of a direct impact on the clotting time mold and contraction stress, thus affecting the molding cycle the length of mold and plastic parts of good quality bad, and its surface roughness. During the design focused on the design of the convex and concave mold size, gating system and cooling system size and its system architecture. Through this design, we first learn to understand the plastic mold of our current situation and development situation, the basic structure of injection mold and injection-casting process, as well as the basic principles of mold design.
Keywords remote base, injection mold, design, PP
摘要 I
Abstract II
目录 IV
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 蓬勃发展的模具工业 1
1.2 塑料模具工业的现状和技术的主要发展方向 1
1.3注射模的基本结构 3
第2章 遥控器底座塑料模工艺设计 5
2.1 遥控器底座塑件的工艺分析 5
2.1.1 塑料材料的性能及基本成型工艺参数 5
2.1.2 遥控器底座塑料的选材[] 5
2.1.3 PP材料成型特性 6
2.2 注射成型基本过程[3.6] 7
2.3. 遥控器底座的设计件 8
第3章 注射机的选择和校核 10
3.1 注射机规格的选择 10
3.2 注射机的校核[13] 10
3.2.1 注射机注射容量的校核 10
3.2.2 注射机注射压力的校核 11
3.2.3 注射机锁模力的校核 11
3.2.4 注射机模具厚度校核 11
3.2.5 注射机大开模行程校核 12
3.3 确定型腔数目和分模面的选择[8] 12
3.3.1确定型腔数目 12
3.3.2 分模面的选择 12
第4章 浇注系统和冷却系统设计 13
4.1 浇注系统设计 13
4.1.1 主流道的设计[8] 13
4.1.2分流道的设计 13
4.1.3 浇口设计[13] 14
4.1.4 冷料穴和拉料杆设计[9] 14
4.1.5 浇注系统的平衡 14
4.2 排气系统的设计[11] 15
4.3 冷却系统设计[7] 15
4.3.1 设计冷却系统的必要性 15
4.3.2 冷却系统尺寸计算 16
第5章 其他零部件结构设计 18
5.1 脱模机构设计 18
5.1.1 脱模机构的分类[8.9.13] 18
5.1.2 脱模机构设计原则 18
5.1.2 脱模机构设计原则 18
5.2 导向机构设计[13.21] 20
5.2.1 导向机构设计原则 20
5.2.2 导柱的外形尺寸计算 20
5.2.3 导向孔的设计[13] 21
5.2.3 导柱的数量和布置[22] 21
5.3 定位圈[13.22] 21
5.3.1 定位圈的定义 21
5.3.2 定位圈的选择及尺寸确定 22
5.4 主流道衬套[23] 22
5.5 其他结构零件设计 23
5.6 模架的选择[25] 23
结束语 26
参考文献 27

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