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Based on to the plastic belt pulley's geometrical shape, the specification and the material performance's analysis, has completed the plastic belt pulley's mold project work, and this mold is a set of plastic injection mold .
In the project engineering, has used a slanting guide pillar side minute organization, moreover the die space establishes, in fixes with the slide on the together side core .Its minute way has used at the same time many minute profiles fractal, then completed the die space with to model a minute. This not only enabled the mold structure to obtain the simplification, moreover also reduced this mold's processing cost .In order to raise mold's in actual production efficiency, has used mold two cavity forms. In the goods in process injection molding process, for avoids when the matched molds the slide has the slipping, is unable to guarantee that the product precision as well as reduces the slanting guide pillar after the work process stress situation and the stress distortion, must establish wedges tightly the block equipment. In order to guarantee that the slanting guide pillar extends the terminal to enter the slide end reliably accurately the slanting hole, the request slide after completing pulled out the core pauses just was being separated from the slanting guide pillar the position, could not have any displacement, when matched molds the slanting guide pillar could not insert the slide slanting hole accurately, therefore established the spacing tablet couplet slide to carry on the localization. Moreover, after the matched molds completes, about to prevent two slide positions to occur displaces, causes the die space structure size to receive the destruction, must in the slide matched molds finally position establishment detent mechanism. In addition has also completed this mold some major parts processing technological process establishment work .
Key words: Belt pulley;Mold;The side pulls out the core;A mold two cavity
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1引言 1
1.1.1 塑料及塑料工业的发展 1
1.1.2 塑料工业在国民经济中的作用 1
1.1.3 模具工业在国民经济中的重要性 2
1.2本模具的总体说明 2
2 塑料材料及塑件几何形状 3
2.1 塑料材料的简介 3
2.2分析塑件的结构、尺寸精度及表面质量 4
3 注射机的选用 6
3.1 注射机的分类 6
3.1.1注塑机按外型结构特征分类 6
3.1.2 按塑化方式分类 6
3.2 注射机的选用 6
3.2.1计算制品的体积和质量 6
3.2.2 初步选定注射机 7
4 确定型腔数及位置布局方案 10
4.1 型腔数的确定 10
4.2型腔布局方案 10
5 确定模具结构方案 12
5.1 确定分型面 12
5.2 确定模架组合形式 12
5.3浇注系统设计 16
5.3.1.主流道设计 16
5.3.2.主流道衬套的设计 17
5.3.3分流道设计 18
5.3.4.浇口的设计 18
5.3.5.冷料穴的设计 19
5.4成形零部件的设计 19
5.4.1.确定成形零部件工作尺寸 20
5.4.2.侧向分型与抽芯机构设计 22
5.4.3.排气系统的设计 22
5.5注射模结构零部件设计 27
5.5.1.合模导向机构 28
5.5.2.设计推出脱模机构 28
5.6 推出零件的设计 29
5.7 复位机构的设计 29
5.8 脱模力计算与推出零件尺寸的确定 29
5.6.1 脱模力的计算 29
5.6.2 推出零件尺寸的确定 31
6 模具各部分的校核 33
6.1注射机校核 33
6.1.1注射量的校核 33
6.1.2注射压力校核 33
6.1.3锁模力校核 33
6.1.4模具高度与注射机闭合高度的关系校核 33
6.1.5开模行程的校核 33
7 结论 36
8 参考文献 37
附录1 标准件清单 38
附录2 备料清单 39
附录3 零件图及工艺卡片 41
致谢词 42
外文翻译 43

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