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广东省造光绪元宝库平七钱二分银币,直径3.7厘。该银币正面珠圈外上端镌刻“广东省造”四字,下端镌刻楷书“库平七钱二分”字样,左右两侧各镌有一蝙蝠图案,珠圈内铸有满汉文“光绪元宝”四字。银币背面珠圈外铸双龙戏珠图案,珠圈内铸一圆形“寿”字。银币设计极富特色,正面两侧所铸的一对蝙蝠图案寓意吉祥。古玩鉴宝与交易:180 3682 0520 同号。因蝙蝠的“蝠”字与“福”字谐音,在币面上铸蝙蝠图案意在取“蝠”、“福”两字谐音,与银币背面的“寿”字相对应,寓意“福寿双全”。
Ssangyong identification of true and false of the life of word currency
Guangdong province made seven money guangxu yuan treasure ping binary silver COINS, 3.7 mile in diameter. Positive bead outside the silver top engraved "made in guangdong province" four word, lower inscribed regular script "library flat seven binary", left and right sides of each engrave with a bat, bead circle casting has a full Chinese "guangxu ingots" four word. Silver beads on the back outside cast dragon playing bead design, cast a circular bead circles "shou" word. Silver design highly characteristic, positive on both sides of the casting of a pair of bats pattern meaning auspicious. Antique treasure and trading: WeChat with number 180 3682 3682. Because of the bat "bat" and "f" word, cast on BiMian bats pattern to apply "bat", the word "fu" homophonic, correspond to the "shou" word on the reverse of the coin, meaning "live long and proper".
Ssangyong's life of word currency, are ling lang see everywhere, many styles, which are really false, it is difficult to distinguish, sufficient to prove the money is very rare, will cause it to forge, figure for profit, high imitation goods too much, now only its shape without the god, the proportion of the metal content is not to come out of, is one of the key criteria of the authenticity! .

(1)、币边铸有『鲁尔智 乔治造币厂…大清国样板币..等』字样之试铸币,『壹』字内倒三角(▼口)版本。(下之文章中简称为〝鲁币〞)


A, big diameter (4.5 cm), characters (Chinese font larger number one) - diameter: 4.5 cm; Thickness: 0.28 cm; Weight: between 32-31 grams. And can be divided into three:

(1), COINS casting side have "LuErZhi George mint... the great qing empire sample coin.. etc" with the words of COINS, "one" word in nabla (▼) version. (under the article of "currency" for short)

(2), currency without casting nabla within the "one" word of mouth (▼) COINS, for the manufacture of "currency" before "the original currency".

(3), currency edges of the cast, is regular script (one) word version.


(1)、小直径(3.9公分)、厚度:0.3公分、重量:介于26.6-27.00克之间。广东省造 库七钱二分,汉字为另一种书写法。

Paragraph 2, the diameter is divided into 2 (4.0 4.3 cm in diameter), the fine print version (Chinese font smaller one), are regular script word version. Thickness: 0.3 cm; : 4.0 cm weight: between 26.6 to 27.00 grams, 4.3 cm weight: between 31-30 grams.

Three, small diameter (3.9 cm), and can be divided into two models:

(1), small (3.9 centimeters) in diameter, thickness: 0.3 cm, weight: between 26.6 to 27.00 grams. To build libraries in guangdong province seven binary money, to another kind of method for writing Chinese characters.

(2), small (3.9 centimeters) in diameter, thickness: 0.3 cm, weight: between 26.6 to 27.00 grams. To build libraries in guangdong province seven money 2, for another kind of method for writing Chinese characters. You wonder why is "library flat seven money
(2), small (3.9 centimeters) in diameter, thickness: 0.3 cm, weight: between 26.6 to 27.00 grams. To build libraries in guangdong province seven money 2, for another kind of method for writing Chinese characters. You wonder why is "library flat seven money 2", one less "points" word, the money you can see clearly the "library flat seven money 2" 5 words is deliberately create and walk on the path of the coin "made in guangdong province" 4 words, become "the statue of five-year".
Auction Theme: St. John's international 2019 Australian art auction
Category of auction: Coin. porcelain. Jade. Painting. Miscellaneous
Painting, oil painting, calligraphy, carving, ceramics, porcelain, jade, jade, jade, sculpture, purple sand, stone, seal, Shoushan stone, bloodstone, inkstone, gold and silverware, watches, four treasures, Buddha, souvenirs, miscellaneous treasures.
Auction house: Saint John International Auction Co., Ltd.
● The company dedicated to filming and bidding both parties to provide quality services, welcomed the inquiry.
● booking global VIP buyers arrive, about 400-600 people.
● buyers from around the world, important buyers from the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Asia, the Americas, Europe.
● Chinese art collection hot, attracting global buyers investment boom, more and more collection army into the art market.
买家构成(Potential buyers):胡润百富买家(Hu Run Pax);山西大买家(Shanxi buyer);江浙房地产老板(Real Estatebosses);温州商会,温州企业家联合会(Wenzhou Entrepreneur Association) ;上海赛车俱乐部(Shanghai Racing Club),游艇俱乐部(Yacht Club),高尔夫俱乐部买家(Golf Club buyer)
  (Appraisal of the collection, confirm that it can be taken.)
  (Entrustment intention, determine the starting price and sign the contract.
  (Making catalogue, publicity and promotion, and public announcement.)
  (uctions in large public places overseas.)
  (Payment of entrusted payment and auction subject matter.)
  (Exchange photos can be negotiated for the collection.)
  1:国内无法匹敌的政策优势。(低税率、零关税、购物消费的个人所得税只需1.5-2% 比国内少3%要少得多
收藏收藏,以藏养藏,一定要有一个好的收藏习惯,不能只进不出,,术业有专攻不要研究的太杂,有研究瓷器,又研究字画玉器杂项,这个即使是研究古玩几十年的都做不到的,所以要挑个一到两个品种研究,其它的有些涉猎就可以了。第二,修心态,心态决定收藏。为什么这么说呢,收藏好比是股市,不能因为几件藏品的波动就失去对收藏兴趣。第三,修思想,一定要会变通,不能一条路走到底。 本人从事古董古玩艺术品的鉴定拍卖交易,在中国收藏联盟已任职多年,长期在公司的平台上游走于北上广以及港澳台地区,进行大型寻宝鉴定活动的推动与运作。
Expo ancient and modern art is guide, collect all enjoy all things
Collection collection, must to keep hidden, must have a good collection of habit, not only in not out, first of all, there are too miscellaneous, specializing in research the research porcelain, and jades miscellaneous study calligraphy and painting, the antique decades even research experts all can't do, so want to choose one or two varieties of research, some other dabble in. Second, mentality, mentality decided to collect. Why to say so, collection is like the stock market, not because of a few pieces of losing interest in collection. Third, thought, must be flexible, not a road to the end. I specialized is engaged in the identification of antique antique art auction, collect alliance has served for many years in China, long in the company's platform up to 3 and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions, with a large treasure appraisal activity promotion and operation.
Zhuhai emperor song art exhibition co., LTD is a legal business qualification, set art identification, assessment, packaging, collect, trading and auction services for an integrated operating company, zhuhai emperor song in line with the "cultural inheritance, win-win cooperation" business philosophy, is committed to inheriting and carrying forward the Chinese civilization, is committed to building influence radiation global top art company. Zhuhai huang Song Guoji auction institutions throughout the world, including Canada, the United States, China, France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Austria, Argentina, Germany, Italy, Spain, Australia, Singapore, Thailand, Israel, united Arab emirates (uae) and Mexico, global agent partners all over the world, also our company link the nine big market at home and abroad, and buyers resources is abundant, the buyer has five hundred thousand members.

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