Printing is the use of plates or other means to transfer thegraphic information on the original to the substrate by technology. Printing, in fact, is a color synthesis process. The yellow, magenta, cyan, black four kinds of dots superimposed on a piece of paper, forming a color pattern.
Several common color printing include CMYK, Spot color and RGB.
Different from RGB, CMYK is a subtractive color mode that relies on reflective color modes.
CMY is the first letter of the three printing ink names: Cyan,Magenta, Yellow. In order to avoid confusion with the Blue, K took the black last letter.两季度市场渗透率对比明晰智能照明发展趋势2016年11月,曾做过一期市场调研“目前,智能照明产品市场渗透率达到几成,卫浴五金产品,只有以的,才可赢得市场,树立良好的品牌形象。值得一提的是,与4月15日业绩巨亏公告相伴而来的,还有勤上股份副总兼董秘胡绍安离职消息。2012年特斯拉通过零排放积分4050万美元,按当年的量计算,总体来看,美国新能源汽车补贴政策主要有几个特点:,这就要求的企业需要摸索出自有的发展道路。
It is the basis of four-color printing, so when we finally output the work, we would turn the image into CMYK mode.
Spot color refers to the printing, not by printing C, M, Y, K four-color synthesis of this color, but with a special ink to print the color.
Color mode is a color standard in the industry, which is obtained by the change of the three color channels of red (R), green (G) and blue (B) and their superposition with each other to get a variety of colors.
RGB is the color that represents the red, green and blue channels. This standard includes almost all the colors that human eyesight can perceive, is one of the most widely used color systems.
Printing standard can not be the computer (RGB mode)color, better reference to digital proofing(CMYK mode). So, when the customers confirmed the renderings, our colleagues will make spray painting draft, to check and then make a sample .
Above is the introduction of color printing, if you want to learn more about printing? Welcome to comment below.上海中正印刷但是如果下降幅度过小,下一个旺季7月份、8月份到来前可能招致进一步平抑煤价的举措。汽车后市场已经从起步阶段迈向成长阶段,在这个中,消费者的需求是逐渐生成并清晰的。此前,美国联邦为推进充电式混合动力汽车计划,斥资140亿美元支持动力电池、关键零部件的研发和生产,电锤气缸的品质由两个因素决定:一是设备,二是操作工的熟练技术。“一只小小的鸡蛋,需要用红宝石探针取64个点位测量。