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释光测年仪是对沉积物上一次曝光事件年代的测定。自20 世纪80 年代该方法提出以来,得到了越来越广泛的应用
自然界的沉积物中均含有微量铀、钍、钾等放射性元素,这些元素在衰变过程中会释放α、β、γ 射线而使石英、长石等矿物晶体电离,产生游离电子。一些游离电子被晶格缺陷陷获后贮藏在陷阱中,为馅获电子。当石英、长石等矿物受到热或者光照时, 陷获电子可获得能量, 逃出陷阱, 并在此过程中出现发光现象。光释光测年方法就是通过光束激发使晶体中储存的电离辐射能释放出来。本实验室的Ris-TL/OSL-DA-15光释光年代分析仪是由丹麦技术大学的核技术中心研发,该释光试验系统全自动运作。每次样品大容量48片,该仪器可产生高能的蓝色和红外激发光,测年范围数十至几十万年,测年精度5-10%。
Natural sediments contain trace amounts of radioactive elements such as uranium, thorium and potassium, which release alpha, beta and gamma rays during decay and ionize quartz, feldspar and other mineral crystals to produce free electrons. Some free electrons are trapped in lattice defects and stored in traps for electron capture. When quartz, feldspar and other minerals are heated or illuminated, trapped electrons can obtain energy, escape the trap, and in the process appear luminescence phenomenon. The optical luminescence dating method is to release the ionizing radiation stored in the crystal by the beam excitation. The Ris-TL/OSL-DA-15 photoluminescence chronometer in our laboratory is developed by the Nuclear Technology Center of the Technical University of Denmark. The photoluminescence test system is fully automatic. The instrument can produce high-energy blue and infrared excitation light with a maximum capacity of 48 pieces per sample, ranging from hundreds of thousands of years to hundreds of thousands of years, with an accuracy of 5-10%.

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