3. Yet it is true, even today, that everyone still loves a fire! How often do we walk into a modern property and feel there is something integral missing? That it doesn’t feel ‘like home’ or that it’s lacking a soul? The enduring love of a fire is so innate that this strange feeling of something being missing is probably because the property doesn’t have a fireplace!
4. Nothing compares to the timeless appeal of a roaring fire; the relaxing ambiance, the dancing light, the glowing embers. Even modern gas and electric fires can offer the classic warmth and comfort of traditional fuel burning fires, and when coupled with the right fireplace design even non-functional purely decorative fires can become the eye-catching centrepiece of any room that modern homes and buildings increasingly neglect to include.
5. With a nod to the classic and enduring designs which have established fireplaces as a stylistic statement in homes and rooms through time, here are three vintage fireplace designs which can provide the classic style, timeless grandeur and that elusive soul and heart your room has been missing.
6. Fireplaces based on the international Art-Nouveau design movement of the late 1800′s to early 1900′s incorporate sweeping curves, non-linear forms along with highly stylised, intricate craftsmanship and ever popular flower and plant based designs. Art-Nouveau style brings a gorgeous and elegant sense of sophistication and adventure to any room.