≥ 1个¥99999.00
4、宋青花基本都是实用器物,目前发现的造型有瓶、罐、碗、盘、枕等,其中既有碗、罐类小型器物,也有高达30多厘米的瓶等大件器物。青花瓷发展历史贯穿了唐、宋、元、明、清各个朝代。每个朝代的青花瓷都有代表作,各类瓷器,绝艳,此起彼伏,争才斗艳。给传承的历史也留下了厚重的色彩。小编总结出了几条青花瓷器的鉴赏资料, 在这里和大家一起分享。第二、宋代的青花鉴赏技巧:
明代是青花瓷器铸造工艺十分兴盛,尤其是永乐、宣德年间所铸造的青花瓷,制作工艺极为精美。的就是当时的五彩青花瓷。更是将青花瓷推上了历史的位置。就算在现代也是赫赫有名,国内外。这个时候的青花瓷色泽艳丽,纹饰丰富。元青花瓷 在海外的拍卖行情一直很好,回顾元青花瓷拍卖情景,可以总结元青花拍卖多数的天价都是由外国人创下的。 2003年9月在美国纽约举办的拍卖会上,一件元青花龙纹扁瓶以583.15万美元成交,创造了中国瓷器公开交易的新纪录。 2005年7月12日,元代青花瓷罐“鬼谷下山”在英国伦敦以1568.8万英镑(合2.45亿人民币)的价格成交,创中国艺术品拍卖的高纪录,同时也是亚洲瓷器拍卖纪录。元代青花瓷罐“鬼谷下山”,高27.5厘米、直径33厘米,罐上画的是战国学者鬼谷子一行下山的情景,画风细腻,构图取材自同时期的木刻版画。 元代青花瓷罐“鬼谷子下山” 据说,绘此图案的元代青花罐只有七件,此罐是此前没有任何纪录的第八件。此瓶为一对,是现存海外为重要和珍贵的元代青花瓷器 拍卖时间2013-06-23 RMB 398,160,000元 青花云龙纹象耳瓶
拍卖时间2011-5-22 RMB 36,225,000元 青花缠枝牡丹纹摩羯鱼
拍卖时间2011-12-15 RMB 53,760,000元 青花云龙纹大罐5376.0000RMB鉴定出手请联系苏总监:180 3808 3947
1:初审——先将图片及详细信息发到以下邮箱,并注明您的姓名、电话、所在城市; (鉴定)
2:初审通过,会对您的藏品进行年代和价值的初步评估分析(只供参考) (免费鉴定)
図2に示すように、それらのほとんど青と白の髪の色は、いくつかのも、いくつかの黒、明るくない青と白の着色と、黒 - 青または青灰色です。元素の化学分析によって掘削浙江ソングソング青色タキは、使用される青色顔料は、高いコバルトマンガン酸化物材料を含む制造しました。他の场所で见られる青と白の花は、着色特性の観点から、より多くの不纯物を含む家庭用コバルト材料でなければならない。宋清华は釉薬と釉薬の両方を持っており、釉薬のほとんどはかすかです。
明代青と白の磁器の鋳造プロセスは、特に永楽、Xuande青とキャストの白磁は非常に繁栄している、生産プロセスは非常にデリケートな部分です。も有名なのは、当时のカラフルな青と白の磁器です。それはまた、青と白の磁器を歴史の顶点に押しやっています。现代でさえ、それは国内外で有名で有名です。この时点で、青と白の磁器は明るくカラフルです。海外の元青と白の磁器のオークション市场が良いされている、彼は元青と白の磁器のオークションシーンを思い出し、青と白の元には、竞売価格のほとんどが外国人に袭われまとめることができます。オークション主催のニューヨークで2003年9月は、1元青と白龙フラットボトルが$ 5.8315百万取引、中国の磁器のための新しいレコードが上场します。 2005年7月12日、15688000ポンド(2.45亿元)取引、中国の芸术のための高のオークション记録するだけでなく、高いアジアの磁器竞売価格レコードの価格にロンドンで元朝青と白の磁器の瓶「桂ダウン」 。 27.5センチメートル高元朝青と白の磁器の瓶「GUIダウン」、タンクの上に描かれ、直径33センチ、よく知られた学者戦国鬼谷子シーンダウンライン、繊细なスタイル、同じ期间由来木版画组成をです。 「ダウン鬼谷子、」元朝青と白の磁器の瓶元代の青と白のは、このタンクは8个の以前の记録ではありません、このパターンのみ7タンクを涂装しました。このボトルは右です、はい、海外でも重要かつ贵重な青と白の磁器オークション时间2013年6月23日、人民元398160000元青と白の云の花瓶象の耳を既存の
中国の絵画や书道、古代の有名人の写真のブティック、上海、新陵学校、有名な絵画と现代的な细かい絵を描くの北京 - 天津の学校。
1:初のレビュー - 初に画像と详细情报を次のメールボックスに送信し、あなたの名前、电话番号、あなたが所在する市区町村、(専门家の身分証明书)
1, Song Qinghua's fetal quality is generally thicker, mostly gray-white tires, there are also a few white color, fine tires. The bottom glaze has a shadow blue, white yellow, light blue glaze, etc., and the real pure white glaze is rare. The quality of the burning of utensils is generally not high. Except for the exquisite Song blue flower pots unearthed from the Song Tomb of Hangzhou, the rest are rough.
2, blue and white hair color are mostly blue black or blue gray, and some even bring some black, blue and white color is not bright enough. Song blue and white flowers unearthed from Taki in the Song Dynasty of Zhejiang Province. The chemical blues used in the analysis of chemical elements were high-quality domestic cobalt materials containing manganese oxide. The song blue and white flowers found in other places, from the point of view of their coloration characteristics, should also be domestic cobalt materials containing more impurities. Song Qinghua has both underglaze and glaze, and most of the glaze is faint.
3, Song Qinghua's ornamentation mainly includes chrysanthemum, peony, flower pattern, trees, circle pattern, wave pattern and text, etc., the decoration is simple, only a few artifacts have more complicated patterns. The theme of the ornamentation is single, far less than the rich blue and white in the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. Song blue and white with themes of animals, animals and landscapes have not yet been discovered.
4, Song Qinghua is basically a practical utensils, the current found models are bottles, cans, bowls, plates, pillows, etc., which include bowls, cans and small utensils, as well as large pieces of things such as bottles up to 30 cm. The development history of blue and white porcelain runs through the dynasties of the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. The blue and white porcelain of each dynasty has masterpieces, all kinds of porcelain, and the finest products are brilliant, and they are one after another. The history of inheritance has also left a heavy color. Xiao Bian summed up several appreciation materials for blue and white porcelain, and share it with everyone here. Second, the blue and white appreciation skills of the Song Dynasty:
The blue-and-white porcelain in the Song Dynasty has a variety of patterns, but the composition is tight, not too chaotic, and very layered. The color of the blue and white hair is different, the front is thick, and the back is light. Porcelain glazed transparent glaze is extremely thin. Fourth, the blue and white appreciation skills of the Qing Dynasty:
There were many kinds of blue-and-white porcelain in the Qing Dynasty. When the Kangxi era, the colorful blue-and-white porcelain flourished, but after the Qianlong Year, the birth and development of pastel porcelain gradually replaced and declined. At this time, the blue-and-white porcelain gradually developed from diversification to simplification. Although the materials and patterns were extended, there was no one after another, and the gradual decline. Third, the blue and white appreciation skills of the Ming Dynasty:
In the Ming Dynasty, the blue-and-white porcelain casting process was very prosperous, especially the blue-and-white porcelain cast by Yongle and Xuande. The production process was extremely beautiful. The most famous is the colorful blue and white porcelain at that time. It is also pushing the blue and white porcelain to the peak of history. Even in modern times, it is famous and famous both at home and abroad. At this time, the blue and white porcelain is bright and colorful. Yuan Blue and White Porcelain The auction market in overseas has been very good. Looking back at the auction of Yuan Qinghua Porcelain, it can be concluded that the majority of the price of the Yuanqinghua auction was created by foreigners. At the auction held in New York in September 2003, a Yuan blue and white dragon-shaped flat bottle was sold for US$5,831,500, creating a new record for the open trading of Chinese porcelain. On July 12, 2005, the Yuan Dynasty blue-and-white porcelain jar "Ghost Valley Downhill" was sold in London, England for 15.638 million pounds (245 million yuan), setting a record for Chinese art auctions and the highest record for Asian porcelain auctions. . In the Yuan Dynasty, the blue-and-white porcelain jar "Ghost Valley Downhill" was 27.5 cm high and 33 cm in diameter. The cans were painted by the famous scholar of the Warring States, Geng Guzi, and the scenery was fine. The composition was drawn from the woodcut prints of the same period. The blue-and-white porcelain pot of the Yuan Dynasty "Guiguzi down the mountain" It is said that there are only seven pieces of the blue-and-white pots of the Yuan Dynasty. This pot is the eighth one without any record. This bottle is a pair, it is the most important and precious overseas blue and white porcelain in the overseas auction. Auction time 2013-06-23 RMB 398,160,000 yuan Blue and white Yunlong pattern ear bottle
Auction time 2011-5-22 RMB 36,225,000 yuan Blue and white peony pattern
Auction time 2011-12-15 RMB 53,760,000 yuan Blue and white Yunlong pattern large cans 5376.0000RMB identification shot please contact Director Su: 180 3808 3947
Collection range:
Chinese calligraphy and painting, famous celebrity paintings and calligraphy, Shanghai style, new Jinling painting school, Beijing-Tianjin painting celebrity paintings and calligraphy and contemporary painting and calligraphy.
Chinese ceramics, ceramics of all ages, mainly in Yuan, Ming and Qingguan kiln, Song porcelain is better.
Jade jade, Ming and Qing jade, high ancient jade, modern jade, requires good jade quality, exquisite carving, good skin color.
Miscellaneous boutiques, famous classics, purple sand, seals, tooth carvings, cymbals, rare books of ancient books, gold and silverware, etc.
Cooperation Process:
1: Initial review - first send the picture and detailed information to the following mailbox, and indicate your name, phone number, city where you are located; (expert identification)
2: Initial approval, preliminary analysis of the age and value of your collection (for reference only) (free identification)
3: Review: Bring your collection to the company for evaluation by an authoritative expert;
4: Sign the contract.
If you have a collection to send, please send the picture to my email, mobile phone, indicate your name, phone number, location, and brief information of the collection. I will reply you within three days! Welcome to inquire.
If you have antique art that you want to collect or want to buy, you can contact me if you have no good way to acquire it. We will introduce you to quality customers to meet your demanding collection and hobby needs.