≥ 1件¥11500.00
This series of proudcts has lifting height ranging from 4mto 18m and loading weight from 300kg to 500kg,withliting mode of manual operation ,electric,battery and diesel oil,etc.Explosion---proof electric apparatus can bechosen for special places; remove control device platform can be installed according to the users needs,which has advantanges inliuding easy to move,large surface and stong carrying capacity,allowing simultaneous operation of several persons,and sefely& reliability ,so it is the optimal product for aerial lifting
Safety protection
1;Explosion---proof valves;protect hydraulic pipe, antti__hydraulic pipe ruptue
2;;Spillover vaive;it can prevent high pressure when t hemachine moves up,Adjst the pressure.
3;Eergency decline valve;it can go down when you meet an emergency
Welcome customers to our company to investigate and negotiate
大家在购买升降机械时,切勿盲目选购,要做好充分的市场调研,以及实地考察,确定其公司的规模、生产资质及信誉程度,这是首要的是的,现在市场许多小规模企业为了谋取暴利而偷工减料,从而使产品质量大大降低,虽然他们会卖的很便宜,但这种机械使用时间并不长,而且危险系数大,因此,作为购买者不能贪图一点价格的小便宜而酿成更大的遗憾! 为了更好地保障买卖双方的利益,在您拍宝贝前要特别注意:凡是买家在本店购买产品拍下定金或者产品付款后卖家发货代表已开始生产;因为是大件设备产品一旦开始生产定金不可退,非产品质量原因退款,扣除订金及物流费用后还应赔偿因生产造成的其他损失。
具体运费请务必咨询在线客服,如未经沟通直接拍下付款的概不发货,因非质量问题买家不能使用而退货,买家需承担来回运费和商品返工费!!由于所售商品体积较大,物流在运输装卸过程中造成外表的轻微碰擦实属难免,不属于质量问题,不会影响商品的正常使用,望亲们谅解(唯美主义者请慎拍),定做产品不退换 !定做产品货期需联系客户告知,本店商品所报价格均不含税,如需税票另加税金,谢谢! 质保一年,易磨损部件不属于保修范围之内(1年后所有配件厂价销售),终身提供维修服
Hints of friendship; For the machine's life and quality, please follow the instructions on time to maintain the machine! Not to destroy the warranty for one year, as your friend reminds you again; Safety first!!!