≥ 1台¥118900.00
氟磷酸钙分散机,发光材料研磨分散机,OSRAM 氟磷酸钙分散机,荧光灯管涂料 高速分散机 荧光涂料分散机是 是至少两种互不相溶或者难以相溶且不发生化学反应的物质的混合过程。工业分散的目标是在连续相中实现“令人满意的”精细分布。
1.荧光颜料荧光颜料分为无机荧光颜料和有机荧光颜料两类,无机荧光颜料具有一般无机材料所具有的耐久性优良的特性,其户外耐久性超过7年,而且其耐热性和耐化学品性也很优良。 无机荧光颜料有金属氧化物、硫化物等结晶晶体(如Y2O3S、Ba、Mg、AL等)和稀土类或金属类等活化剂(如Eu、Mn等)。
In the first three trials the suspension was treated at different revolutions and different throughputs. It was
possible to breakup the agglomerates but a part of bigger agglomerates (at 100 μm) remained back in all
Therefore a 4P-generator was upstreamed to the two 8SF-generators in order to increase the pressure in the
dispersing unit. At 13000 rpm and throttled outlet it was possible to breakup the agglomerates which
remainded back in the trials before. But at 8000 rpm this was not possible.
In order to increase the self-friction of the solid additional trials were made with higher solid amount (50 %).
Here it was possible to breakup all agglomerates at 8000 rpm with throttled outlet. At opened outlet it was not
In addition it was tempted if it is possible to reach a satisfactorily breakup of the agglomerates with the CM.
This was neihter at opened milling gap nor with closed milling gap possible.
The product treated was highly abrasive (product got grey because of metallic abrasion). Therefore hardened
tools or stellite tools are recommended.
It could be shown that it is possible to breakup the agglomerates in the wanted manner. Therefore
氟磷酸钙分散机,发光材料研磨分散机,OSRAM 氟磷酸钙分散机,荧光灯管涂料 高速分散机 荧光涂料分散机
氟磷酸钙分散机,发光材料研磨分散机,OSRAM 氟磷酸钙分散机,荧光灯管涂料 高速分散机 荧光涂料分散机