≥ 10千克¥13.00
价格合适的镁牺牲阳极厂家Suitable magnesium sacrificial anode manufacturers
应用:保护小型或处于低土壤电阻率环境下(土壤电阻率小于100欧姆.米)的金属结构。如:城市管网、小型储罐等。能上能下,能进能出,唯才是举,唯能是用。The ability to go up and down, the ability to get in and the ability to go out are the only way to make use of talents.
价格合适的镁牺牲阳极厂家Suitable magnesium sacrificial anode manufacturers
5、然后用补伤棒将伤口填平能上能下,能进能出,唯才是举,唯能是用。The ability to go up and down, the ability to get in and the ability to go out are the only way to make use of talents.
7、Two, magnesium anode and pipe welding
8、Description of thermit welding
9、1, first of all, destroy the anticorrosion layer of the pipeline, the same rectangle as the size of the aluminum hot mold.
10、2. The cable above the magnesium anode is placed under the gap under the aluminum heat welding mold. The mold is placed on the pipe. The die cover opens to see the cable, and the small iron sheet is placed upwards in the bottom of the mold.
11、3, the welding is divided into large package, first pour a large package of flux, in the small fire powder even on the top, by the way the edge of the mold point fire mouth to the point, and then cover the mold cover.
12、4. With the ignition of a point gun at the mouth of the grinding tool, (with the gloves on the ignition, the face not to look at the point of the fire, the lid is pressed with the pliers), it ignites instantaneously. The cable and the pipe are welded into a copper bump, and the welding is very strong.
13、5. Then fill the wound with a wound stick
14、6, use fire to heat up the wound piece, let the wound piece close to the mouth, fill the wound.焦作市立博轻合金股份有限公司