

及时发货 交易保障 卖家承担邮费


The Warehouse社会责任准则实施指南
Social Compliance Document List (Provided by Factory Management)
社会责任准则实施相关资料清单 ( 由 工厂经理方提供 )
Please assemble all available documents from the list below and have available for our assessor at
the commencement of the factory visit. 请按以下清单 收 集工厂 现有 的文件并 于审核时 提供 给评估员 。
Part I: Personnel Policies and Labor Practice 人事与劳资 部分
1. Layout of the factory 工厂平面图
2. Operating permit 营业执照
3. Legal minimum wage standard established by the local government 当地规定的低工资标准
4. Written personnel policies/regulations (including dormitory rules)书面人事制度/厂规厂纪(包括宿舍管理
5. Name list of workers (categorized by work duties/department) 员工花名册 (按工种/部门分类)
6. Samples of workers’ personnel files (15), including worker registration form, photocopies of ID cards and signed employment agreement 员工人事档案,包括员工登记表、身份证复印件和经签署的劳动合同
7. Name list of juvenile workers, registration document approved by the local labor bureau and annual physical
examination records as per law 未成年工名单, 劳动部门备案文件和年度体检记录
8. Wage documents, including written wage policy, payroll documents and time records for the past two
months (covering peak and non-peak seasons), sample pay slips 工资文件,包括书面工资制度、过去 2 个
月的工资单和考勤记录(涵盖旺季和淡季) 、工资条样本
Social Compliance Document List (Provided by Factory Management)
社会责任准则实施相关资料清单 ( 由工厂经理方提供 )
Part II: Health & Safety Issues 安全与健康部分
1. Fire drill and emergency evacuation drill records 消防演习和紧急疏散演练记录
2. Documents about fire safety facilities, including records of regular examination/maintenance and records for
training workers in the use of fire extinguishers. 有关消防器材的文件,包括定期检查和维护消防设备的
3. Work-related injury records 工伤记录
4. Records of first-aid training, including the content of the training and formal training certificates granted by
qualified institutions 员工急救培训记录,包括培训内容和合格培训机构颁发的培训证书
5. Chemical safety management documents, including the list of all chemical used in the factory, MSDS, and records regarding the storage, transfer and use of the chemicals. 化学品安全管理文件, 包括该厂使用的全部化学品清单、MSDS 和有关化学品存放,转移和使用的记录
6. Air quality monitoring/assessment report from local environment authorities or other qualified institutions
7. Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) Documents, including records of distribution and training on occupational safety 个人劳动保护用品文件, 包括发放记录和职业安全培训记录
8. Cafeteria Documents, including sanitary permit for the kitchen and the health certificates for each cook 食
9. Examination Certificate (renewed on a yearly basis) for boilers and elevators and operating records of the
generator 锅炉和电梯年检合格证以及发电机的运行记录
10. External Environment Management Documents, including waste disposal permit from local environment
authorities 环保文件, 包括当地颁发的污染物排放许可证

主营:Ecovadis认证,IDFL GRS认证,RBA认证 VAP RBA认证,Higg FEM FSLM验厂等
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