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2020年11月4 日:乌海海勃湾编写项目可研报告。项目名称:农业生态示范园建设项目,建设主要内容:该项目计划用地42亩,拟建设农业生态示范园一处,项目建设按照土地性质进行农业。主要设备:四轮拖拉机、饲料粉碎机、运料车、饲料槽、水槽等。企业名称:社旗县亨丰农业发展有限公司经核查,你单位申请,Project name: annual output of 20000 sets of MD series supermarket cabinet technical transformation projects. Construction of the main content: the project total construction area is about the original has been built workshop 3000 square meters; Technology: automatic uncoiling and relatively flat to pure shear line, automatic dust-free coating production line and robot welding production line to slab foam manipulator up-down material device, automatic assembly line; Using Internet + process technology. Main equipment are: uncoiling machine, coating line, and form a complete set of equipment, mechanical arm robot (hand) device, automatic assembly lines, automatic charging machine, special equipment, cyclopentane foaming machine, etc.。

项目名称:邻客时光商业中心东区建设项目建设主要内容:项目总投资135025万元,土地使用权面积26728.93㎡;绿地面积 6684㎡;容积率4.999;绿地率25.01 %;拟建总建筑面积200685㎡;其中地上建筑面积 133644 ㎡;地下建筑面积67041㎡;地上建筑包括商业用房133049㎡、物业用房及配套设施535㎡,消控中心60 ㎡。该项目的配套设施包括消防、人防、电梯设备等。,备案。。

备案。,Project name: annual output of 150000 tons of hot dip galvanized component project. Construction contents: covers an area of 100 mu, building area of 15000 square meters, construction content including factories, office buildings, hotel. Annual output of 150000 tons of hot dip galvanized component. Process: black material, pickling before inspection (black), pickling, washing tail acid dipping plating aid - hanging - as dry hot dip galvanized, water cooling, self-check outbound - ZhuanJian - test. Major equipment: 10 tons of hey equipment 4, washing pool, pool, galvanized, ling but pool, pool gas propane tanks. Good market prospect.,项目名称:年产600吨瓜果蔬菜农业大棚项目建设主要内容:项目面积600亩,设计年产西红柿、黄瓜等蔬菜520吨,水果100吨,各种中药材25吨,桃树、苹果树600棵。主要建设内容:新建温室大棚260座,保鲜库2座,科研楼1栋,总建筑面积4320平方米。工艺流程:外购种子和树苗,育种、育苗、种植、收获、包装及销售。主要设备:旋耕机4台、除草机2台、机井4眼、全套供水设备。产品销往外地及本县,市场前景良好。。








备案。,Project name: annual output of 500000 sets of set-top box of passive radar. Main content: the construction technology research and development center, equipment integration, system management center and comprehensive office building 10000 square meters, the new signal generator, spectrum yzer, power meter, vector network yzer, oscilloscope, high and low temperature boxes, load power meter and other domestic and foreign advanced equipment, the main technological process, raw material, welding, assembling, debugging, aging, testing, product packaging, the factory. After the completion of the project, the annual output of 500000 sets of STB passive radar has high economic and social benefits.,备案办法(2014年修订)》(豫发改投资[2014]1339号)要求,准予。

备案。,Project name: annual output of 100000 tons of egg products project, the construction of the main content: the project lease modification construction area of 6600 square meters workshop, mainly includes four production workshop 3200 square meters, one cold storage area of 400 square meters, office building 3000 square meters. Project introduce advanced egg and egg liquid, egg powder processing equipment and pasteurization and kill technology, annual output of 100000 tons of egg products, after the completion of the project including egg liquid, 15000 tons, 15000 tons of egg yolk powder, protein powder 4000 tons, cleaning eggs eggshell powder 75000 tons, 2000 tons. Achieve an annual output value of more than 500 million yuan, tax turnover, RMB 500 million yuan, to drive more than 100000 farmers layers are more than 100000 households.。

Project name: sweet potato deep processing projects. Construction of the main content: the project covers an area of 1200 square meters, increase the processing capacity of 500000 jins of sweet potato. The main construction contents including workshop, workshop, cold storage, waste their powder such as building area of 300 square meters. Technological process is: to stone, cleaning, feeding, crushing, separation - bed cleaning - detailed screening - concentration dehydration, drying, sieving, playing thicken - and - pot, aging, cooling, hang dry, cool freeze - drying - sorting - packing. Main equipment are: screw conveyor cleaning machine, grinder, dehydration equipment, dry powder, the powder equipment, frozen cold storage. Products are mainly supply henan, shandong, hubei and other places, the market prospect is good.,备案的汝州远航农牧科技发展有限公司年产10万吨生物有机肥项目,项目符合《产业结构指导目录》(2011年本)(2013修正)类鼓励类 一、农林业30、有机废弃物无害化处理及有机肥料产业化技术与应用,准予,项目名称:年产13万吨聚碳酸酯项目。建设主要内容:建设规模:约598亩,年产13万吨的聚碳酸酯。工艺技术:以、二氧化碳反应生产碳酸丙烯酯,碳酸丙烯酯与甲醇进行酯交换反应生成碳酸二和;碳酸二与进行酯交换反应生成碳酸二苯酯和甲醇,甲醇返回碳酸二装置做为原料使用;碳酸二苯酯与双酚A进行酯交换反应生成聚碳酸酯和,返回碳酸二苯酯装置做为原料使用。主要设备:反应器、高真空泵、塔器、换热器、容器、机泵等。产品市场广阔。。


项目名称:年产15万立方米节能环保型新型板材项目建设主要内容: 26亩,总建筑面积19000平方米,包括生产厂房3栋、仓储用房6栋、综合办公楼1栋、其他辅助用房2栋。主要设备:进口美国、德国的大型烘2台,大型压板机4台,裁板机4台,装载机3台,吊装机2台。工艺流程:原木—原木锯断—木段剥皮—单板旋切—单板干燥—单板整理—涂胶组坯—预压—热压—裁边—砂光—检验分等—包装入库。,项目名称:年产50000台QL热管平板太阳能集热供热项目建设主要内容:建设规模:该项目面积16000平方米,建筑面积17000平方米,其中车间12000平方米,仓库2000平方米,办公楼3000平方米。工艺技术:热管平板式分体太阳能热水器主要由平板集热器、热储水箱、循环管路、循环水泵和支架及连接管道、配件等部件组成,对各部分的工艺流程如下:原材料采购--原材料检验--吸热体组装--集热器组装--整体现场组装--产品检验--成品入库。主要设备:太阳能超声波金属滚焊机、切割机、组框机、装配生产线等。,Project name: annual output of 40000 square meters of stone processing projects, the construction of the main content: the project leasing the stone city factory building area of 2077 square meters, annual output of 40000 square meters of stone processing for construction projects. Manufacturing process: raw material purchased, cutting, copying, polishing, packing; Major equipment: infrared (cutting), copy machine, edge grinding machine, polishing machine, engring machine, etc., after the completion of the project, the market prospect is good.。


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