张大千是二十世纪中国画坛具传奇色彩的国画大师,无论是绘画、书法、篆刻、诗词都无所不通。早期专心研习古人书画,特别在山水画方面卓有成就。后旅居海外,画风工写结合,重彩、水墨融为一体,尤其是泼墨与泼彩,了新的艺术风格。他的治学方法,值得那些试图从传统走向现代的画家们借鉴。 [10-11]
zhang daqian is an all-around painter whose creation is "the length of the body of the crowd and the richly in the north and the south", which is a combination of literati painting, writer painting, palace painting and folk art. in chinese painting, figures, landscapes, flowers and birds, fish and insects, animals, meticulous, omnipotent, no one is not refined. poetry is true and unrestrained, calligraphy
lang jingshan's picture of zhang daqian
lang jingshan's picture of zhang daqian
strong and elegant, external flexibility, unique style.
zhang daqian is the most legendary chinese painting master in the twentieth century chinese painting circles, no matter painting, calligraphy, seal cutting, poetry and so on. in the early stage, he studied the painting and calligraphy of the ancients, especially in landscape painting. after that, he lived abroad, combining painting with wind, combining heavy colors and ink and ink, especially splashing ink and splashing colors, creating a new artistic style. his method of scholarship is worth learning from artists who try to move from tradition to modernity. [10-11]
among the chinese painters of the twentieth century, zhang is undoubtedly one of the best and the artistic conception is elegant and elegant. he was talented and educated. he had a special contribution to landscape, characters, flowers, ladies and feathers, especially in the landscape painting. he and many painters at that time took responsibility for the orthodox revival that prevailed in the early qing dynasty, that was, the tradition of tang, song, and yuan painters, which had weakened after qianlong. the orthodox
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