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asphalt anti-stripping agent Instructions
产品简介:product instruction
Asphalt anti atrippint agent is using American technology to produce the "new environmentally friendly non amine" asphalt anti stripping agent, can also apply to the two kinds of acid and alkali aggregate organic polymer active compounds, especially to improve the acidic, high silica content of basalt, andesite, granite, stone and asphalt adhesion obviously the effect of. The product is suitable for asphalt, polymer modified asphalt, SBS modified asphalt to improve the anti water damage ability of asphalt pavement.
性能特点:Performance characteristics
1、 适应性强;Strong adaptability
2、 抗高温(使用温度大于300℃)、热稳定性好;High temperature resistance (using temperature greater than 300 C), good thermal stability
3、 与各类沥青相容性好;Good compatibility with various types of asphalt
4、 环保、安全、不易燃、无刺激性气味、耐老化。Environmental protection, safety, non-toxic, non flammable, non irritating odor, resistance to aging

主要技术指标:Main technical index
项目 Project 指标 index
外观 Appearance 棕色粘稠液体 Brown viscous liquid
比重 proportion 1±0.2
失效温度(℃) Failure temperature >300
安全性 safety 安全环保 Safety and environmental protection
粘附性 Adhesion 沥青与玄武岩等酸性石料的粘附等级可以从1-3级提高到4-5级 The adhesion level of acid stone such as asphalt and basalt can be increased from 1-3 to 4-5
浸水马歇尔残留稳定度(%) Water immersion Marshall residual stability >85
冻融劈裂强度(%) Freeze-thaw splitting strength >80
产品性能 Product performance 非胺类活性剂 Non amine

1、 使用量0.3%-0.5%(占沥青的比例)。该使用量是指在重交通石油沥青与玄武岩偏酸性集料的配比下的用量,如果是改性沥青用量可更少;
2、 Usage of 0.3%-0.5% (proportion of asphalt). The use quantity is refers to the heavy traffic petroleum asphalt and the basalt partial acid aggregate ratio under the dosage, if it is the modified asphalt dosage can be less
3、 可直接加入热沥青中、用沥青泵循环二次即充分混合,不需搅拌器。
Can be directly added to the hot asphalt, asphalt pump cycle two times that is fully mixed, no special mixer

200㎏铁桶包装。200kg Iron package

本品放在阴凉通风处贮存期为24个月。This product is stored in a cool ventilated place for 24 months.

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