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苏州日报联系电话 李老师0512-66711​‌‌219,,手机号为客户​‌‌报纸遗失公告、声明公告、分类公告等项目。合作媒体:扬子晚报、苏州日报、姑苏商报、现代快报、江苏经济报。淘宝担保安全快捷有保障。
The most expensive thing in the world is not money, but time. The most beautiful is not the scenery, but the feeling. Everyone has limited time, few people can accompany you at any time, every heart is very small, and there are not many people willing to put you in mind. Why should we ask for money and money, as long as there are people guarding us, why do we have to go to feel better? Giving time to you is the one who loves you most. Time, money can not buy; feelings, interests can not be changed.
苏州日报广告咨询电话: 644009888
朋友就算再好,总会有一段时间互不理睬互不关心。不是因为厌烦了,也不是喜新厌旧,只是因为大家都忙于生计。真正的朋友是冷漠一段时间后,还依然在你的身边关心你和你一起打闹一起吵架,许久不见后再相聚也不会尴尬,还是有说不完的话题,讲不完的心事。其实,朋友就是这样,无需想起,因为从未忘记…… If friends are better, there will be a period of time ignoring each other's indifference. It is not because of boredom, nor is it new, but because everyone is busy with their livelihood. When a real friend is cold for a period of time, it is still in your side of caring about you and you quarreling together with you. It will not be embarrassing to meet again for a long time, or there is an endless topic to talk about. In fact, friends are like this, do not need to remember, because never forget......

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