“天启通宝”是明朝熹宗皇帝朱由校执政期间铸造的,有50多个版别。单是币背面的文字,就有很多种,有纪局名、地名的户、工、高、浙、福、云、密、镇、府、院、新;纪重的有一钱、一钱一分、一钱二分等。天启钱有折二钱,但铸得不多。当十钱种类却很多,大小、轻重不一,钱背更是丰富多彩,背字有:日、月、工、户、浙、京、新等多种,纪值有二、十、十一两等明朝天启年间所铸的“天启通宝”,开启了我国古代钱币背面版式多样化的先河。 天启通宝钱文特点是:“天”字一捺,轻飘空灵;“启”为正规繁体;“通”字中的甬部为拐三*,这也是明钱“通”字的一个普遍特点,“宝”字虽为楷书,却明显有隶书特色,繁体“宝”字的贝部为方贝,标准“八”字。整币精整美观,精工铸就,分毫毕肖,锋颖逼人,是古钱币爱好者的必藏之币!
Apocalypse Tongbao back 11 mother money
The numbers cast on ancient Chinese coins can usually be divided into two types of memorials and memorials. For example, the most common Qin half two, Han half two, and Han five money, the "half two" and "five baht" in this money text are all means coins. The weight is half two or five baht, During the period of the new dynasty, the "fifty" and "straight" in the "Daquanwushi" and "Xiaoquanzhiyi" were no longer memorized but represented the face value of the coin.
Apocalypse Tongbao has both a value and a weight in the eleven two coins. The word "ten" on the profile means that the big money is worth ten yuan. The word "one or two" on the right side means that the weight of the copper coin is one or two. Together, it is the coin "fold ten times one or two."
According to the Ming Dynasty, the weight unit was converted into 16 pounds, one or two were ten dollars, and the Ming Dynasty 1 pound was about 596.82 grams today. Therefore, one or two of the Ming Dynasty was about 37 grams, and one was about 3.7 grams(see Zhangchuanxi's "Chinese Ancient History Teaching Reference Manual"). What I saw today, Xiao Ping's money in the Ming Dynasty was generally 3.4-3 .6 grams.
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