In the 'AUTO' operating mode, some alarms stop the engine immediately, and some after a Cooling down time. These details are explained in section 8.1.
If, during the Cooling Down time, the user operates the BE2K in `MANUAL` operating mode, the engine will continue to run. The BE2K monitors the Under Frequency, Under Voltage and Under Speed, only if the Contactor of the Generator is closed. We recommend that you use a Contactor to transfer the Load to the Generator.
The engine stops automatically if the Mains restores or if the remote control returns to stand by. The user can stop the engine in 'MANUAL' operating mode by pushing the [STOP] pushbutton. The user may press the [STOP] or [0] pushbutton in automatic operating mode, but, in this case, the red
'EMERGENCY' LED alarm will energise and the Load will be transferred to the Mains. The [OFF] pushbutton stops the engine and turns the BE2K to `OFF` operating mode.
The Automatic Sequences include the [FAILURE], [BREAKER], [RESTORE], [WARM UP] and
[COOLING] parameters. The details are explained in the sections 7.2 and 7.6. In case of Mains failure, the Mains Contactor opens after the [BREAKER] time-out. The [FAILURE] timing takes place if the Mains Failure persists. After this time-out, the BE2K starts the engine. The [WARM UP] allows the engine to warm up.
After the [WARM UP], if all electrical parameters are met, the Contactor of the generator will close. If the Mains restores, the [RESTORE] timer starts to count, and the load will be transferred to the Mains. The engine will stop after the [COOLING] time.
The Engine Starting Parameters are controlled by the [CR.DELAY], [IDLE], [PREGLOW], [CRANK], [REST], [ATTEMPTS] and [CRANKOFF] parameters. The [PREGLOW] energises the Pre-GLOW Output before the starting attempts. Between the starting attempts ([REST]) the PreGlow Output will remain energised. If the PreGlow function is used, make sure to program the [REST] time properly
(see [PREGLOW] in section 7.6.2).
The BE2K has 4 displays: one Alphanumeric Display made of 8 green characters and three 7-segment red LED Displays made of 4 digits each. During the starting attempts, all displays are turned off to save energy for the microprocessor. After 2 minutes without operating the [<][>][v][^] pushbuttons, the Alphanumeric Display will reduce the luminosity. The display moves into normal operating mode by pressing one of the [<][>][v][^] pushbuttons.
The Alphanumeric Display can show five menus: `Warning`-`Program`-`Power`-`Data/h` and
`Engine` (see section 7.0). The three 4-Digit Displays indicate electrical measurements of the Generator according to the selection done by the [MODE-SAVE] pushbutton. The yellow `Mode` LEDs indicate 4 display-operating modes (section 7.6.7).
The 'LAMP-TEST' (Test LED) is obtained by pushing [^] and [v] simultaneously.