≥ 3台¥231000.00
恒旺 旋挖钻机履带式桩工机械设备厂家价格大口径率
钻机 履带底盘稳定 大口径工程桩孔现货
Rotating drill is a kind of suitable for building foundation engineering into a hole of construction machinery.
Mainly suitable for sandy soil and cohesive soil, powder soil, soil layer construction, such as in piles, continuous wall, foundation reinforcement is widely used in many kinds of foundation construction, the rotating drill general is 125 ~ 450 kw power rating, power output torque is 120 ~ 400 kn m., the dacheng hole diameter up to 1.5 ~ 4 m, the dacheng hole depth of 12 to 15, can meet the requirements of all kinds of large-scale infrastructure construction.
外形尺寸Overall dimensions 8000*2300*3000(mm)
整车自重The vehicle weight 10-12(T)
发动机功率Engine power 100-120(马力)
大深度Maximum depth 1-20(m)
大回转角度Maximum turning Angle 360°
钻杆大直径Drill pipe diameter 450-12000(mm)
行走速度Walking speed 5-8(迈)
液压系统工作压力Hydraulic system pressure 16-25(Mpa)
液压系统流量The hydraulic system flow 20-35
联系人:刘杨 销售热线:(in同号)