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热沉材料 Heat Sink
Power electronics and circuits produce a lot of heat when they work. Heat sink materials help to eliminate chip heat, transferring it to other media and keeping the chip stable
Molybdenum copper, tungsten copper, and some sandwich materials such as CMC, Cu/Mocu/Cu,S-CMCcombined with low thermal expansion rate of molybdenum, tungsten and high thermal conductivity of can effectively release electronics heat and contribute cooling IGBT module, RF power amplifier, LED and other products. They are thus applied as metal substrate, thermal control, heat sink and the lead in large-scale integrated circuit and high power microwave devices We can offer Wcu, Mocu, CMC, Cu/Mocu/Cu and s-cmc finished and semi-finished products. And we can also provide these products coated with Ni or Niau as customers need
钨铜合金 WCu Alloys
Wcu alloy is a kind of pseudo-alloy which possesses both the low expansion of tungsten and the high thermal conductivity of copper. Its CTE and thermal conductivity can be adjusted by the material composition and then be designed so as to bring great convenience for the application. We use high-purity raw materials with good quality, and then produce excellent-performance-wcu heat sinks by pressing, sintering and infiltrating at high temperature. It is suitable for material for the package of high-power devices, the lead frame of high performance; thermal control device such as thermal control board and heat sink.
Advantages: the adjustable CTE that matches different matrixes and high thermal conductivity; excellent high temperature stability and uniformity, excellent processing properties;
牌号Material | 钨含量 Tungsten Content | 铜含量 Copper Content | 密度 Density | 热导率 Thermal Conductivity at25℃ | 热膨胀系数 CTE at25℃ |
Wt% | Wt% | g/cm3 | W/M·K | (10-6/K) | |
W90Cu10 | 90±1 | Balance | 17.0 | 180-190 | 6.5 |
W85Cu15 | 85±1 | Balance | 16.4 | 190-200 | 7.0 |
W80Cu20 | 80±1 | Balance | 15.6 | 200-210 | 8.3 |
W70Cu30 | 70±1 | Balance | 14.9 | 220-230 | 9.0 |
W50Cu50 | 50±1 | Balance | 12.2 | 310-340 | 12.5 |
陕西欣龙金属机电有限公司主要经营业务涉及航空、航天、电子、核 工业、船舶工业、兵器、光电、石化、燃气等行业相关的材料及设备 的供应合作领域。成立多年来,以诚实守信的经营理念服务社会,赢得 了广大客户的好评。并取得了良好的业绩。公司主要经营项目为:精密合金、高温合金、钛合金、难熔及稀贵金属、特殊不锈钢材料及特殊用途合金的开发与研制。并代理美国wall colmonoy的镍基钎料及经销国内各类钎料(是美国wall colmonoy公司在中国西北区域的代理商)。
我们一直遵循和倡导迅捷、的服务精神。近十年来,公司切实而有效地为客户解决了及民用产品生产和研发过程中高、精、尖材料 需求所存在的急、偏、少等实际困难。
我公司将以优良的品质,竞争力的价格,快捷的供货方式和周到的 服务向国内外新老朋友提供各种的产品。真诚地欢迎您的垂询,欣龙 金属将成为您值得信任的合作伙伴!
主营产品 精密合金,高温合金,钛合金,钎料,稀贵金属材料,钨,钨钼合金,钼,钨铜合金,钼铜合金,钨基高比重,电子封装及热沉材料,氩弧焊用钨电极,软磁合金,永磁合金,弹性合金,膨胀合金,不锈钢,热双金属带材,铼合金,钽铌合金,高电阻电热合金,高温耐蚀合金,软磁铁芯。
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