隔离区应远离生产区,要设在生产区的下风方向,好为地势较低的地方,主要有兽医试验室、病巴 马香猪隔离室、尸体处理室等。其中公 巴马香猪舍、空怀配种巴马香猪舍多以前敞式或半敞式带有运动场的形式为好;妊娠母巴马香猪舍可为有窗封 闭式或前敞式;分娩母巴马香猪舍和保育仔巴马香猪舍为有窗封闭式,并备有夏季防暑、冬季保温设备。巴马香猪舍的排列多种多样,应因地制宜,尽量做到布局紧凑、节约用地为原则。目前大型养殖场有以下几种 ,可作为参考。
The isolation area should be far from the production area and should be located in the direction of the lower wind in the production area. It is best for the lower terrain, mainly including the veterinary laboratory, the sick Bama Xiang pig isolation room, the cadaver processing room and so on. The male Bama pig house was open or semi spaced with a sports field, and the pregnant mother barmama piggery could be closed or open, and the mother barmama piggery and the baby BARMA fragrant piggery were closed, and the summer heatstroke and winter heat preservation equipment were used. There are many kinds of pig houses in Bama. We should adjust measures to local conditions and make the layout compact and economical. At present, there are several kinds of large farms, which can be used as reference.
养殖场内各房舍的建设安排,要考虑人员工作和生活集中场所的环境保护,尽量不受饲料粉尘、粪便气味 和其他废物的污染;其次要注意巴马香猪群体的卫生防疫,尽量杜绝污染源对生产区的污染。因此,在区划安 排上要考虑哪些安排在上风,哪些安排在下风,使人、物流向合理防止交叉污染。
The construction arrangement of various houses in the farm should first consider the environmental protection of people's work and living concentrated places, as far as possible not to be polluted by the feed dust, the odor of feces and other wastes; secondly, the health and epidemic prevention of the Bama fragrant pigs should be paid attention to, and the pollution of the source of pollution to the production area should be eliminated as much as possible. Therefore, we should consider which arrangements are in the best position and what arrangements are in the right direction, so that people and logistics can be reasonably prevented from cross contamination.
养殖场的总体布局应以生产区为中心。生产区实际上就是巴马香猪室(舍), 它是根据巴 马香猪的不同生长时期的生理特点与其对环境的不同要求确定的。一般可分为:公巴马香猪与空怀母巴马香猪 配种舍、妊娠母巴马香猪舍、分娩巴马香猪舍、保育仔巴马香猪舍、生长肥育巴马香猪舍等5 种类型。
The overall layout of farms should be centered on the production area. The production area is actually the Bama Xiang pig room (house), which is determined according to the physiological characteristics of the different growth period of Bama Xiang pig and its different requirements on the environment. Generally, it can be divided into 5 types: the male Bama pig and the empty mother Bama sows, the gestation mother BARMA fragrant pig house, the BARMA fragrant pig house, the BARMA fragrance piggery, the growing fattening Bama pig house and so on.
山东福和特种养殖场()养殖巴马香猪、藏香猪、宠物香猪,包括巴马香猪种猪和商品猪。巴马 香猪肉质鲜美,原属于朝廷贡品,肥而不腻,深受广大消费者的喜爱。同时,巴马香猪养殖是农村养殖致富门 路,投入小,回报快,少食,以青饲料和粗粮为主。
山东福和特种养殖场养殖品种:巴马香猪、藏香猪,结合广西特色养殖方式,包括巴马香猪种猪以及商品猪, 遵循“品质,合作致富”的香猪文化。 山东福和特种养殖场坚信诚信 欢迎广大客户前来洽谈业务!