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欢迎光临张掖pam行业品牌 聚合氯化铝 酰胺  pac报价     

itself, it is easy to cause eutrophication of water body.

Due to the restriction of phosphorus policy, the applicat

Mud mud sample of 1. water machine and analysis of sludge solid content index

The 2. 1g flocculant dry powder is evenly dissolved in the water of 100ml, so that 1/1000 of the solution is added.

The concentration of 3. mud sample adding volume of 1/1000 flocculant, the flocculation was observed in this process, the size of 30 flocculation and stir, then add the solution of 250ml cylinder, set aside for ten minutes, observe the filtrate volume. And record it.

4. content: dispersity, dissolution time, dosage of medicament, flocculation effect, flocculation size and so on

Finally, the actual operation should be carried out according to the results of the experiment. The use of polyacrylamide PAM as a flocculant is very common.

ion of sodium tripolyphosphate in detergent additives has been gradually reduced, and gradually replaced by layered sodium silicate and molecular sieve.





1. 如果你是选择城市污水又或者是工业废水,那么你在进行污泥药剂筛选时,取样要取污泥浓缩池中的废水,因为一般这种废水经过了之前很多道程序后各种浓度都很高。

2. 需要起混凝或者加速沉淀作用的时候,污水应当选择马上就要投加药剂是的废水。

3. 你在选择废水时一定要选择有意义的,如果你选择了沉淀上层的清水,那么此次取样就没有任何意义。要尽量选择下层的,这样就聚丙烯酰胺产品的选型会有帮助。

4. 不要在液体长时间沉淀后静止选择,在取样之前要对液体进行均匀搅拌,这样选出的才更具有参考价值。

The basic aluminum chloride has obvious effect on the flocculation and sedimentation of wastewater in daily chemical production. Moreover, white polyaluminum chloride is a high-end product in water purification flocculant, which belongs to food grade polyaluminum chloride, and it should also be used in pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries, and cosmetic industry as raw materials or additives.




Food industry

Water retention agent, quality modifier, pH regulator, metal chelating agent. China's "Hygienic standard for the use of food additives" (GB2760-2011): canned, fruit juice (fruit flavor) drinks, vegetable protein drinks, the maximum use of 1.0g/kg, dairy products, poultry products, meat products, ice cream, instant noodles, the maximum use of 5.0g/kg. The use of compound phosphate, phosphate, canned meat products shall not exceed 1.0g/kg; milk shall not exceed 0.50g/kg; this product with sodium pyrophosphate, sodium phosphate to phosphate compound use, shall not exceed 5g/kg; cooked and smoked ham by GB13101-1991 "cooked and smoked ham hygienic standard" implementation, may not exceed 5g/kg composite use when (ham can be more appropriate, with phosphate was 8g/kg. Reference for other uses: for canned ham, under suitable conditions, it is conducive to the improvement of product quality, such as finished products with complete shape, good color, tender meat, easy slicing and glossy section. Sodium tripolyphosphate is used for pickling ham raw meat. Every l00kg meat mixed with 3 mixed salt (salt 91.65%, granulated sugar 8%, sodium nitrite 0.35%) 2.2kg, sodium tripolyphosphate 85g, stir well, and 48~72h is p

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