A lot of problems facing the hotel linen cleaning it is washing plant, this conclusion is not objective, if we have a detailed understanding of the various links in the circulation process of linen, linen room and restaurant will be found if unclassified linen washing, directly to the restaurant and guest room linen linen mixed into the washing machine inside, oil, restaurant linen the pigment, juice stains and other stains penetrate into the linen room, resulting in cross contamination, the original clean linen room have a new reason to wash the stains and linen.
The restaurant is also need to pay attention to the classification of linen, many local restaurants Taiwan staff in order to avoid the guests saw the countertop clean, tablecloth and dirty dishes directly to the desktop paper towels and other debris together away, cloth will spread out on the oil surface in the background operation, and detection of various types of dishes of debris, this not only will the rest of the oil container all dirty on the tablecloth, also led to the easily damaged porcelain dishes.
The correct way is to Taiwan in the early build should be prepared to the classification of three pots, pot requirements clean and free of dirt, three main basin is a chopsticks, chopsticks less oil, easy to clean cleaning; a doggie dish, more such items of oil, clean the kitchen focus on cleaning; remaining one is put leftovers, leftovers in dishes will pour into a bowl, to avoid the oil dirty on the tablecloth, for laundry.
In the subsequent cleaning process, wipe with towel napkin and restaurant scrap, prohibit the use of clean cloth directly, to avoid the oil glass turntable stick on the tablecloth. The last step is to allow the evacuation of cloth, paper towels, desktop toothpicks, and residual debris through the cloth bag, jitter in the background when the tablecloth, no oil debris fell after the disposable clean tablecloth, the remaining oil is less, laundry cleaning procedures and reduce, but also to avoid the frequent use of strong wash the loss on the tablecloth.
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