≥ 1台¥1.00
The part of the minitype road roller in the bridge surface construction is only partly repaired, which can not be broken and fast maintenance, but it has little influence on the traffic. Smooth connection of bridge surface: smooth connecting with bridge surface, smooth car sailing without noise, no jump feeling, wheel not skidding. And the construction of the bridge surface is efficient waterproof and toughness. The mixture is strong and stable. It can resist the impact of traffic vehicles and does not produce cracks, cracks and breakage.
Through construction of bridge subgrade backfilling area generally use a small roller: bridge abutment backfill soil compaction and the slope of the cone, eight walls, parapet, ensure the renovation can meet the design requirements and the width of. For small double steel wheel articulated vibratory rollers, a low speed scheme is adopted. The structure is simpler and the structure is easy to arrange, but the cost is slightly higher.
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