≥ 1台¥1000.00
天通稳定土拌和机合金弹头拌和机产品优势1、合金弹头采用进口弹头,强度高使用寿命长2、拌合均匀 效果显着3、操作使用 维护方便4、双边链条传动,受力均匀,性能可靠。
麦当劳职员疑路边挖雪制餐致多人腹泻 门店:正调查 来源:澎湃新闻网
2018春运明日启幕 多地出招保障“回家路”
冷空气频繁南下 中东部地区气温将持续偏低状态 来源:中国新闻网
王源出席联合国青年论坛 展中国青年精神面貌 来源:新浪娱乐 中国青年网
iPhone X不断减产 苹果会成为第二个诺基亚吗? 原创:贾敬华
大智慧:老祖宗为什么定筷子长7寸6分,16两为1斤?一定要孩子懂 来源:瞭望生活770
As early as 40s and earlier, the stable soil mixer was used to carry out road construction abroad. In the past twenty years, with the rapid development of automobile special highway in China, stable soil mixing equipment has developed rapidly. The construction of highways, airports, freight yards and pavement usually uses stable soil as a base or subbase. It not only has large earthwork, but also has a direct impact on the life of road and site. In order to emancipate the heavy manual labor, speed up the construction progress and guarantee the quality of the construction, the mechanization method must be adopted to carry out the construction. It is particularly important to use special mechanical construction in the process of stabilizing soil mixing.