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The advanced pavement machinery of TB-2000 stabilized soil mixer is the safety, comfort and long life of road. A large subgrade stabilized soil mixer is developed not only for powerful subgrade stabilized soil mixer abroad, but also for developing foam asphalt and asphalt emulsion, which can be used as a stable soil mixer for adding materials. Asphalt concrete mixing equipment is now developing trend of asphalt concrete mixing equipment technology: material recycling, environmental protection and multiple batches and small batch production. Due to the diversification of the road, Jining Tian Tong has developed a variety of asphalt concrete mixing machine.


For the construction and maintenance machinery equipment, with the market rules and strict technical specifications, to enhance the economic benefits of help in running conditions. Therefore, management of construction and maintenance machinery should take corresponding measures to lay the foundation for the bridge project to enhance the social benefit and economic benefit. The quality of highway construction, road construction and maintenance machinery is closely related with the degree in the highway construction, road construction and maintenance equipment can normal operation, mechanical equipment in good condition is the basic conditions, improper use of mechanical equipment, in the follow-up work is not timely maintenance, will cause the number of failures of the increase of construction delay time affects the production efficiency, reduce the cost.




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