≥ 1台¥1000.00
The hydraulic driving system is used to manipulate the front wheel steering hydraulic cylinder to realize the turning of the whole machine. Steering the system for the whole machine to provide power, adjust the speed, change the direction of the driving.
The walking pump is a two-way variable pump, which is composed of a walking motor and a closed static pressure driving system. The walking motor is mounted on the front end of the drive axle assembly of the gearbox. By changing the tilt angle of the pump, the pump flow can be changed and the speed of the pump can be changed, and the inclination direction of the inclined disk can be changed, and the direction of the oil flow can be changed, thus the direction of change is realized. The middle position of the inclined disk can also realize the braking of the walking system.
The pump is equipped with an oil filling pump, a servo valve and an oil filling relief valve and an external filling oil cleaner. The oil filling gear pump is set up for the oil leakage or heat exchange during the operation of a MF23 motor closed system.
When the mixer works, the speed is fast and the speed of the rotor is fast. At the same time, the anti mixing operation of the rotor also needs greater traction.
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