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Learn more about the critical LED standards


What is it?It is the IlluminatingEngineering Society of North America (IESNA) approved method for the Electricaland Photometric Measurements of Solid-State Lighting. It measures an LEDluminaire or integral lamp as a whole system according to a standard processusing specified equipment.

Who can perform testing?LM-79-08 testingshould be performed by EPA-Recognized Laboratories for the category of producttested. Only reports from recognized laboratories are relevant. This standardis used for Department Of Energy (DOE) ENERGY STAR program qualification andlighting facts advocate program. All GREEN CREATIVE product testing areperformed according to LM-79-08 in an EPA recognized laboratory and reports areavailable upon request.

What does it provide?The testing reportissued according to a standard format will provide– Total LuminousFlux– Luminous Intensity Distribution– Electrical PowerCharacteristics– Luminous Efficacy (calculated)– ColorCharacteristics (CRI, CCT…)


What is it?It is the measure of the LEDsource case temperature within the LED system (luminaire or lamp). Put simply,it is the temperature of the LED within the luminaire. The measurement has tobe performed according to the temperature measurement point (TMP) indicated bythe LED package manufacturer.

Who can perform testing?OSHA approved NRTLsor DOE CALiPER Recognized or UL Data Acceptance Program laboratories. It can beperformed at the same time as LM-79-08. All GREEN CREATIVE products go throughISTMT in an EPA recognized laboratory and reports are available upon request.

What does it provide?Once ISTMT is known,we check if the temperature within the luminaire is within the temperature ofthe LM-80-08 LED source report. It is then the basis for lifetimeinterpolation either based on TM-21-11 or other method.


What is it?It is the IlluminatingEngineering Society of North America (IESNA) approved standard for measuringlumen maintenance of LED light sources. LM-80-08 apply to the LED package,array, or module alone, not a complete system, it is testing a component level. The standard does not provide guidance for extrapolation of testingresults.

Who can perform testing?LM-80-08 testingshould be performed by EPA recognized Laboratories. Only reports fromrecognized laboratories are relevant. This standard is used for Department OfEnergy (DOE) ENERGY STAR program early qualification in conjunction with otherreports. Most GREEN CREATIVE product use LED with available LM-80-08 testreport from recognized laboratory.

What does it provide?The testing reportissued according to a standard format will provide luminous flux for a givencurrent over a 6,000 hours period with interval measurements. Luminous fluxwill be measure for 3 different LED case temperatures: 55oC, 85oC and a thirdtemperature to be selected by manufacturer. Besides, the lumen maintenance, thechromaticity shifts over the measured period.


What is it?It is the IlluminatingEngineering Society of North America (IESNA) approved method for taking LM-80data and making useful LED lifetime projections. The standards apply tolifetime projection of LED package, array or module alone. The results can thenbe used to interpolate the lifetime of an LED source within a system (luminaireor integrated lamp) using the in-situ LED source case temperature.

Who can perform testing?There is not such athing as testing, it is a mathematical method based on LM-80-08 collecteddata.Among other thing, TM-21-11 will consider:– If total LM-80 dataperiod is between 6,000 and 10,000 hrs, we consider the last 5,000hours– If total data period is above 10,000 hours, we use the last half ofcollected data– In situ case temperature interpolation using Arrheniusequation between LM-80 temperature– Projections are limited to 6 times theavailable LM-80 data period so projected and reported lifetime may or not bethe same

What does it provide?The method willprovide a projected lifetime for the LED source or system.Life notation resultswill then use the following standardized nomenclature: Lp (Yk)– P: Lumenmaintenance percentage. For LED luminaire we consider L70 to be the standard.After 30% lumen depreciation, we consider the system is not performing its dutyanymore and should be replaced (see Lifetime section of Lighting Guidefor more details)

– Y: Length of LM-80 data periodin thousands of hoursExample: L70(6k) = 36,000 hours


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