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漂珠 冒口漂珠 电厂漂珠批发 40-100目灰白色漂珠成本 f lightweight thermal insulation material for its laid a solid foundation.化工填料是填料塔中气液接触的通常零件,在非常多行业都采取普通,具备好的的耐热耐酸效果,能耐除氢氟酸以外的各样无机酸、有机酸及有机溶剂的腐化,可在各种高,低局势采用,其效果的效果是决定填料塔操纵效果的主要缘由。
3, high hardness, high strength: because of drift beads on silicon aluminum oxide mineral phases (quartz and mullite) formation of hard vitreous, hardness of Morse 6-7, hydrostatic strength up to 70-140 mpa, true density of 2.10 2.20 g/cm3, therefore, drift beads with high strength.General light porous or insulating materials such as boiling rocks, diatomite, perlite, sea pumice, expanded vermiculite is the difference in hardness, strength is poor, with its system of thermal insulation products or light refractory products, intensity difference flaws.The advantages of their shortcomings is drift beads, so drift beads have more competitive advantages, used more widely.
4, excellent electrical insulation, non-conductive: choose after degaussing beads drift beads, is the performance of insulation materials, conductive.Insulation resistance are commonly by the rise of temperature, drift beads, on the other hand, increases with the increase of temperature resistance.This advantage is don't have other insulating materials.So, it can make is performance under the condition of high temperature insulation products.
5, particle size, specific surface area: drift beads natural formation of the particle size of 1-250 microns.Specific surface area of 300-360 - g/cm2, and cement.Therefore, drift beads without grinding, can be used directly.Fineness can meet the needs of a variety of products, other lightweight insulation materials generally large particle size (e.g., perlite, etc.), if the grinding would significantly increase capacity, insulating the stays is reduced greatly.
drift beads use
1, fire-resistant insulation materials, such as light sintered brick, light unburned brick, castin