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        地埋式生活污水设备的设计主要是针对生活污水和与之类似的工业有机污水的处理。其主要处理手段是采用较为成熟的生化处理技术--接触氧化法,水质参数按一般生活水水质,进水bod 200 mg/l,出水bod 20mg/l指标设计,总共有六部份组成:(1)初沉池;(2)接触氧化池;(3)二沉池;(4)消毒池、消毒装置;(5)污泥池;(6)风机房、风机;



        (2)接触氧化池:初沉后水自流至接触池进行生化处理,接触池分为三级,总停留时间为 1小时以上。加强型设备接触氧化时间可达6小时,填料为新颖梯形填料。易结膜、不堵塞。填料比表面积为160m2/m3,接触池气水比在12:1左右。(注0.5-5t/h,接触池为二级)



        (5)污泥池:初沉池、二沉池的所有污泥均用空气提至 wsz-a的污泥池内进行好氧消化。污泥池的清液回流至接触氧化池内进行再处理。消化后剩余污泥很少,一般1-2年清理一次。清理方法可采用吸粪车从污泥池的检查孔伸入污泥底部,进行抽吸外运即可。(wsz-a 0.5-5t/h,污泥采用厌氧消化)










Company introduction:

Jining Tian Tong Shui processing equipment Co., Ltd. is a combination of R & D, manufacturing and sales. It is a strong water treatment equipment enterprise. The company specializes in water treatment equipment such as wastewater treatment station, waste water treatment process, waste water treatment equipment, industrial waste water treatment equipment, water treatment equipment, domestic wastewater treatment equipment, environmental waste water treatment equipment and so on. Jining Tian Tong Shui processing equipment Co., Ltd. has established a long-term cooperative relationship with many enterprises with strong strength, reasonable price and excellent service.  Jining Tian Tong Shui processing equipment Co., Ltd. warmly welcome all walks of life to visit, inspect, negotiate business!

An overview of Chengde, Hebei

With the development of economic and population growth, more and more pollution of nature by human attention, summarizes the domestic and foreign sewage treatment plant operation experience, design a complete organic wastewater treatment device can be set by the ground equipment, after the 90s period of domestic and foreign advanced technology and manufacturing technology, production sewage treatment equipment with glass steel, stainless steel as the main raw materials. The main purpose is to make the sewage and the similar industrial organic wastewater treated by the equipment to meet the user's requirements. The equipment is mainly used for residential sewage treatment in residential quarter (including villa district), high grade hotel, hospital, comprehensive office building and various public buildings. The effluent quality of the equipment is up to the national emission standard. The whole set of equipment can be buried in the underground, so it is called "buried domestic sewage treatment equipment".

The buried domestic sewage treatment equipment adopts the international advanced biological treatment process, which can remove BOD5, COD and NH3-N. The technology performance is stable and reliable, the treatment effect is good, the investment is saved, the land occupation is less, and the maintenance is convenient.

Process description

The design of buried sewage equipment is mainly aimed at the treatment of domestic sewage and similar industrial organic sewage. The main processing means is used -- mature biochemical treatment technique of contact oxidation, water quality parameters according to the general living water, water BOD 200 mg/l, the design of effluent BOD 20mg/l index, a total of six parts: (1) the primary settling tank; contact oxidation; (2) (3) (two sink the pond; 4) disinfection tank and disinfection device; sludge tank; (5) (6), fan fan room;

The following are the following:

(1) primary settling tank: the primary sedimentation tank of the equipment is a vertical sedimentation tank. The rising velocity of the sewage in the sedimentation tank is 0.6-0.7 mm / sec, and the precipitated sludge is lifted to the sludge pool by air. (Note: 0.5-5m3/h does not set the initial sink)

(2) contact oxidation tank: after the initial precipitation, the water flow to the contact pool to carry out biochemical treatment, the contact pool is divided into three stages, the total residence time is more than 1 hours. The contact oxidation time of the reinforced equipment is up to 6 hours, and the packing is a novel trapezoid packing. It is easily conjunctival and not clogged. The specific surface area of the packing is 160m2/m3, and the ratio of air to water in the contact pool is about 12:1. (note 0.5-5t/h, the contact pool is level two)

(3) two sink pool: biochemical sewage flow to two sink pool, two sink pool to two vertical flow sedimentation tank, they run in parallel. The rising flow rate is 0.3-0.4 mm / sec. The sludge is lifted to the sludge pool by air. (note.5-5mt/h, sludge flow into the sludge pool)

(4) the pool disinfection and disinfection device: disinfection pool according to the standard "tji4-74" standard for 30 minutes, if the hospital sewage, disinfection pool can increase the residence time to 1-1.5 hours, disinfection by chlorine tablets dissolved solid contact, disinfection device according to the water quantity in the constantly changing dosage, achieve more water dosing the objective of adding less water, less. Other disinfection devices can be prepared separately. (Note: for example, for industrial sewage disinfection pools and sterilizing devices not)

(5) sludge pool: all sludge in the initial sink and two sink tanks are digested with aerobic air to the sludge pool of wsz-a. The liquid reflux sludge tank to contact oxidation pool for processing. After digestion, the surplus sludge is very few, usually cleaned once in 1-2 years. Cleaning method can be used to check the tumbril hole into the sludge from the sludge tank bottom suction sinotrans. (wsz-a 0.5-5t/h, anaerobic digestion of sludge)

(6) fan room and fan: buried domestic sewage equipment, the fan room is located on the top of the disinfection pond, the inlet adopts double layer sound insulation, and there is muffler and fan filter in the inlet, so there is no noise during operation. The fan uses two l roots blowers, which can automatically run alternately. The operating life of a single typhoon machine is about 30000 hours

Equipment features

1, buried under the surface, the surface of the equipment on the surface can be used as greening or other land, do not need building and heating, thermal insulation.

The 2 and two stage biological contact oxidation processes all adopt plug flow biological contact oxidation, and the treatment effect is better than that of full mixed or two stage series full mixing biological contact oxidation pond. It has a smaller volume than the activated sludge pool, strong adaptability to water quality, good performance of impact load resistance, stable water quality, and no expansion of sludge. The new type of elastic solid packing is adopted in the tank. The specific surface area is large. The microorganism is easy to hang up the membrane and remove the membrane. Under the same organic loading condition, it has high removal rate of organic matter and improves the solubility of oxygen in water.

3, biochemical pool by biological contact oxidation, the filler volume load is relatively low in microbial self oxidation stage, less sludge production, only three months (90 days) more than a row of mud (with fecal suction or dehydrated sludge cake Sinotrans).

4. The deodorization method of the buried domestic sewage treatment equipment is equipped with the conventional high altitude exhaust and the other measures of soil deodorization.

5. The entire equipment processing system is equipped with a full automatic electrical control system and equipment failure report


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