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标准型扇形喷嘴;H/U系列-上海斐卓喷雾系统有限公司 扇形喷嘴的喷雾特性及设计特点: 扇形喷雾将液流分布成扇形或层状喷雾;液滴大小为小到中等。在很宽的的流量和压力范围内,保持均匀的分布。在2.8公斤压力下,喷流角度从0度到110度。 扇形喷嘴具有特色的边缘渐细型喷雾,适用于多种喷嘴安装和集管 喷淋的应用。高冲击力的液柱流在单位面积上提供很大的冲击力。通畅的流畅通道尽可能的减少了堵塞。 Standard fan nozzle;H/U series - Shanghai Fiji zhuo spray system co., LTD Fan nozzle spray characteristics and design features: Fan-shaped spray flow distribution into the fan or layered spray;Droplet size is small to medium.Over a very wide range of flow and pressure, maintain uniform distribution.Under pressure from 2.8 kg, jet Angle from 0 degrees to 110 degrees. The edge of the fan nozzle characteristic gradually thin type spray, applicable to a variety of the nozzle and manifold applications of spray.High impact flow of liquid column provides maximum impact on unit area.Fluency of unobstructed channels as much as able to reduce the congestion. 扇形喷嘴的一般应用: 冷却与淬火; 产品洗涤; 水的冷却; 空气与气体净化器; 擦洗器; 液体清洗器; 灰尘控制; 防火; General application of the fan nozzle: Cooling and quenching; Product washing; The water cooling; Air and gas purifier; Scrub; Liquid cleaner; Dust control; Fire prevention; 旋转清洗球_360°清洗喷嘴_清洗喷嘴 喷嘴喷雾特性及用途: 360喷嘴结构紧凑,喷嘴本体有2-3个喷口处于喷头的特殊位置。喷嘴里面有陶瓷轴承,在谁压的作用下能够带动喷嘴自动旋转,喷嘴的主体采用的是316不锈钢,陶瓷轴承能够更大的耐磨效果,该喷嘴产品主要用于小桶及罐子的清洗。 清洗喷嘴又称清洗球,该产品主要用于医药行业,请您有需求的话致电斐卓公司,我司地址上海松江洞泾工业区洞业路205号 标准型实心锥形喷嘴 标准实心锥形喷嘴斐卓公司的设计特点; 喷嘴喷雾形状为实心锥形,喷雾颗粒细小且非常均匀; 喷嘴内部有特的叶片,雾化效果异常均匀细密; 清洗; 冷却; 喷涂; 物料喷洒; 除尘 压灰; 消防灭火 ; Cleaning; Cooling Spraying Material spraying; De-dust and De-ash Fireproof and fire extinguishing

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