

及时发货 交易保障 卖家承担邮费




国的已有进口酒类经营资格和已有进出口经营权的企业代办或合作。 In China, imported red

wine, wine procedures and market management regulations are relatively complex,

generally recommend commission/entrusted or cooperation with the enterprise which

has the qualification/ right of import and export.
一、酒的进口程序:One, Wine import procedures:
成本核算:Cost accounting:
进口瓶装酒现行税率: The current tax rate of imported bottled wine:
关税: 14% ( 关税:CIF ×14%);
Duties: 14% (tariff: CIF x 14%);
增值税:17% (增殖税:(CIF+关税额)×17%);
VAT: 17% (Proliferous tax: (CIF + tariff forehead) x 17%);
消费税:10% (消费税:[(CIF +关税额)/ (1~ 10%)]× 10%)。
Consumption tax: 10% (consumption tax: [(CIF + tariff forehead) / (1 ~ 10%)] x 10%).
所征收的税项,以人民币交纳。Levied taxes paid CNY.
其它进口费用:Other charges:
Total cost of imported goods should be: the total sum of following six items.
First, CNY price cost = foreign exchange x CNY exchange rate
Second, freight + insurance premium (according to different countries and regions

transportation charge)
Three, tariffs, value added tax (according to customs and state tax rate)
Four, handle imported approval and Chinese label fees (not all goods)
Five, ports and import formalities charge
1、 港口码头费:约RMB200—600元左右
1, port terminal fee: around RMB200-600
2、 检验检疫费:约RMB150—400元左右(或约为货值的0.5%-0.3%)
2, inspection Fee: about RMB150-400 (or for about half a percent of the total - 0.3%)
3、 报关费: 约RMB300—600元左右
3, clearance fee: around RMB300-600
4、 单证录入费:约RMB90—180元左右
4, documents entry fee: around RMB90-180
5、 海关验货费:约RMB200—450元左右(若不发生则无须交纳)
5, customs inspection fee: RMB200-450 about (if not happen is not required to pay)
6、 换单费用: 约RMB70—250元左右
6, change document cost: about RMB70-250
7、 熏蒸消毒费:约RMB200—800元左右(并非所有进口国家都要)
7, fumigated fee: around 800 (RMB200 - not all import country)
8、 滞柜费: 约RMB300元/每天(如果发生则收取)
8, sluggish container fee: around RMB300 /day (if incurred will charge)
9, Agent import charges (Total import value of 1% to 5%)
(Cost as reference, charges occur outlay in actually.)
Six, bank settlement fee

清关前资料准备:Clearance documents prepare:
提交办理中文标签的资料:Submit Chinese label information:

检验检疫局领取表格后申办:Imported wine business enterprise according to “China's

food label universal standards” and relevant regulations of the following documents,

go to local commodity inspection and quarantine bureau , fill the application form:
1、标签检验监管备案表(申请书); 1, the record table of inspection and

administration label (application);
2、原外文标签样图片(前和后的标签资料)。2, the original sample foreign labels (tags

3、原外文标签翻译件(前和后的标签资料);3, foreign labels translation (the front and

back tag);
4、中文商标设计样张(前和后的标签资料);4, Chinese trademark design (the front and

back tag);
5、酒的原产地证明;5, the certificate of origin;
6、中国经销商营业执照、电话号码;6, China company business license, telephone

7、外国生产商公司名称;7, foreign manufacturers company name;
8、酒的样品(一般各3瓶,有时按需要会多抽几瓶);8, wine samples (general each three

bottles, sometimes need more according the requirement);
9、国家商检局办证部门需要的其他资料。9, other documents require by national

commodity inspection bureau.

机构做中文标签预备案。Above information are ready for apply to customs, should have

a report for record in local commodity inspection bureau or have a Chinese marking

record in certifying body of commodity inspection bureau before arrival of the goods.
关于酒的中文命名说明:the explaination of wine’s chinese name:
葡萄酒的中文名称不得相同。而如果申报的中文名称已有重复的,需要另外起名。The wine

’s chinese name can’t be the same. When the name declared is the same, Must

change to another name
进口酒的中文名称的确定 :Chinese name for imported wine
1、 以葡萄品种名或厂商名命名的,以该葡萄或厂商的中文名命名;
1, The name can be the same as the variety of grape or manufacture name
2. 以产地命名的,以其中文译名命名;
2, The name can be the same as the Chinese name of original places
3, The name can be the same as transliteration Chinese name of the brand in order to

makes them pronunciation corresponding.
办理中国国内进口酒经营:Business licenses of imported wine:


到相关部门办理下列手续:The Chinese companies which engaged in import wine

business in addition to have industry and commerce, taxation procedure, also should

have imported wine business licenses and hygiene license. In addition, still need go to

relevant departments to transact following procedures:



汇、税务等部门办理开展对外贸易业务所需要的手续。GO to local foreign trade

department to get "foreign trade operator registration form", then will have foreign

trade qualification after registration. Foreign trade operators should take the

registration form which with approval seal to local customs, the inspection and

quarantine, foreign exchange, taxation etc departments to transact foreign trade

business formalities needed within 30 days.


可省去不少麻烦。If do not have the above conditions, the enterprise can authorize to

qualified imported wine agency to transact import formalities
进口红酒清关联系人: 陈先生(经理)
进口红酒清关联系电话: 138 2722 6743
进口红酒清关: 582 545 850

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