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常州耐火空心砖漂珠 铸造冒口漂珠 发热冒口漂珠 电厂粉煤灰白色漂珠报价 常德市形成了烟草、铝业、电力、食品、纸业、纺织、机械、建材、医药、电子等主导的产业,已建成常德经济技术开发区和津市工业园等11个县级工业园区。


  漂珠是一种能浮于水面的粉煤灰空心球,呈灰白色eline anticorrosion insulation, sea oil field, floating device, the well drilling mud reducing agent, oil and gas pipelines, etc.
4, insulation materials, plastic activation fillers, insulation of high temperature and high pressure, etc.
5, coating industry, paint, printing ink, adhesives, stealth coatings, insulating paint, anti-corrosion paint, floor paint, high temperature resistant fire retardant paitoriness, generally 1600-1600 degrees Celsius, make its excellent high performance refractories.
2, light, heat preservation and heat insulation: drift beads thin wall hollow, empty cavity for half a vacuum, only trace amounts of the gas (N2 and H2 and CO2, etc.), heat transfer is very slow.So drift beads not only light (250-450 kg/m3 density), excellent heat preservation and heat insulation and thermal conductivity at room temperature (0.08-0.1), which play a prominent role in the field of lightweight thermal insulation material for its laid a solid foundation.化工填料是填料塔中气液接触的通常零件,在非常多行业都采取普通,具备好的的耐热耐酸效果,能耐除氢氟酸以外的各样无机酸、有机酸及有机溶剂的腐化,可在各种高,低局势采用,其效果的效果是决定填料塔操纵效果的主要缘由。

填料的种类(1)无机填料和有机填料①无机类填料无机类填料主要以天然矿物为原料经过开采、加工打造的颗粒状填料,少数填料是经过处置打造的。a.氧化硅及硅酸盐。b.碳酸盐及碳化物。nt, exterior paint, insulation paint, floor paint, auto putty, putty, etc.
Development: 6, space and space satellite, rocket, the spacecraft surface composites, satellite fire protection layer, Marine equipment, vessels, deep-sea submarines.
7, the plastics industry, such as automotive trim, instrument panel, home appliance shell, fan, speakers, lamps and lanterns is always bearing, casting, gear, structure, zippers, pipes, plates, etc.
8, glass fiber reinforced plastic products: all kinds of glass fiber reinforced plastic products, artificial marble, glass fiber reinforced plastic ship, arts and crafts, etc.
Potting compound 9, encapsulation materials: transformer, electronic packaging,壁薄中空,重量很轻,容重为720kg/m3(重质),418.8kg/m3(轻质),粒径约0.1毫米,表面封闭而光滑,热导率小,耐火度≥1610℃,是优良的保温耐火材料,广泛用于轻质浇注料的生产和石油钻井方面。漂珠的化学成份以二氧化硅和三氧化二铝为主,具有颗粒细、中空、质轻、高强度、耐磨、耐高温、保温绝缘、绝缘阻燃等多种特性,是广泛应用于耐火行业的原料之一

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