≥ 1台¥3850.00
粉尘除尘器 的特点:
Vacuum cleaner of choose and buy should be used with quality reliable, function, operation is convenient for reference rely on, industrial vacuum cleaner is applied in great quantities to wait for each domain such as textile, chemical industry, machinery, medicine, casting, besides should understand structure and power outside, consider additional function even how much.
集尘器 作为一种除尘设备,目前已广泛应于各工业部门。近年来,随着国民经济的发展以及愈来愈严格的环境保护要求,高压除尘器在产量上有了相当大的增长,品种也日渐增多。因此,在设计工作中合理地选定磨床集尘设备的基本参数,正确地进行除尘系统设计,不仅对于控制污染、保护环境有重要作用,而且对于提高设备处理含尘气体的能力,降低设备投资从而减少工程造价,也具有极重要的经济意义。
The power part of the host machine generally uses 380V power electricity as a power source. At present, most manufacturers of filter elements add more folding number and increase folding depth to improve the filter area. One machine can be equipped with more than one suction outlet. Suitable for chemical, electronic and other industries.
Flexible move into any position of the factory, not bound by hair dust spots are not fixed, industrial dust particle collector mobile welding smoke purifier is used for welding, polishing, cutting, grinding process such as smoke and dust purification and recycling of rare metals, precious materials, etc., can purify large amounts of suspended in harmful to human body small metallic particles in the air.