≥ 1件¥78900.00
公司生产设备精良、工艺、检测手段,技术力量雄厚,液压升降平台在生产上选用国产品牌和意大利液压动力单元,两种整机性能均达到国际水平。公司采用的管理手段,严密的质量监控体系和良好的售后队伍,用无微不至的服务用诚信打造让人放心的电商环境 为品质中国走向世界 贡献一分力量!
Hospitable Shandong people, welcome to Shandong Jiyang hydraulic lifting platform!
Welcome to have the strength client to visit our company to inspect and negotiate
勒恒机械———按照客户意向提供佳设计方案 Le heng machinery - provides the best design plan according to the customer's intention
———中国智造 intelligent manufacturing in China
自行剪叉式升降平台具有自动行走功能, 整机一体式设计,内置电瓶电源,满足在不同工作状态下,不需外接电源,不需外来动力牵引即可升降自如,而设备的行走转向也需一人便可以完成。操作人员只需掌握好设备的控制手柄即可完成设备前进、后退、转向、快、慢速行走和上下等动作。自行剪叉式升降平台移动灵活,操作方便、省工、省力 令高空作业更方便快捷,是现代企业生产之理想高空设备。
Self—propelled scissors lift Has the function of automatic walking ,integrated design,built—in battery power, meet in different working conditions,noexternal power supply,no exernal power traction can lift freely,and the equipment running and steeing is also just aperson can be completed. Theoperator only needs to master the control handie to the equipment before the compelete equipement forward and backward,steering, fsst,slow walk and equal action,self scissors type lifting platform is mobile and flexible, convenient operation,labor saving,make high---altitude operations more dffcient and convenient,is the ideal equipment for high—altitude operations, the safety production of the moderm enterprise
Welcome customers to our company to investigate and negotiate
Hints of friendship; For the machine's life and quality, please follow the instructions on time to maintain the machine! Not to destroy the warranty for one year, as your friend reminds you again; Safety first!!!