≥ 3个¥8.50
TML1510E-8188EUS VER1.0产品是一款低功耗,高线性输出功率,符合IEEE802.11B/G/N支持IEEE 802.11i安全协议,以及IEEE 802.11e标准服务质量的150 USB无线模块,可以与其它符合该标准的无线设备互相联通,支持新的64/128位WEP数据加密,支持WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK,WPA/WPA2安全机制,无线传输速率高达150M,是普通11B产品的10倍,内置天线,可适应不同的工作环境,使台式机或笔记本计算机用户以及其它需要实现无线联网的设备方便地接入无线网络。
TML1510EU is a WLAN 11n USB module,which fully supports the features and Functional compliance of IEEE 802.11n, and I standards. It supports up to 150Mbpshigh-speed wireless network connections. It is designed to provid eexcellent performance with low power Consumption and enhance the advantages of robust system and cost-effective. It is targeted at competitive superior performance,betterpower Managementapplications.
◇ Scheme:RTL8188EUS
◇ Operates in 2.4 GHz frequency bands
◇ 1x1 MIMO technology improves effective throughput and range existing 802.11 b/g products
◇ Data rates: up to 150Mbps
◇ 802.11e-compatible bursting and I standards
◇ BPSK, QPSK, 16 QAM, 64 QAM modulation schemes
◇ WEP, TKIP, and AES, WPA, WPA2 hardware encryption schemes
◇ Dimension:12.7032mm×12.2920mm×1.6mm(L×W×H)+-0.2MM
◇ Application:Desk-Top PC,Note-book,TV,Blue-ray Disk,Tablet PC,Set-top box