≥ 1件¥100000.00
Name of collection: A group of standard copper coins twenty in Hunan province
Category: miscellaneous
规格:直径 3.2cm 重量:共20.2g
Specifications:Diameter 3.2cm Weight:20.2g
此两枚钱币直径为3.2cm 重量 共20.2g设计精美,做工精细,纹饰丰富,布局合理,层次鲜明,线条流畅优雅,工艺纯熟,由于双旗币产生于民国时期,民国在中国历史上仅仅存在了几十年的时间,因此,在兵荒马乱、国内战争频发的期间内,钱币在经历了无穷的岁月之后,依然可以完整地保留下来,实属不易,而双旗币更是见证了中国从封建社会演化为半封建半殖民地社会的历史过程,是我国近代货币史和钱币学的重要组成部分,历史意义。钱币虽小,却也能反应当时社会文化的特征,收藏意义颇佳,价值深厚。因此具有很高的文物收藏价值、历史文化价值以及艺术品鉴价值。
The two coinsDiameter3.2cm weight 20.2g In the period of the Republic of China, the Republic of China has only a few decades. in the period of the Republic of China, the Republic of China has only a few decades. in the period of the Republic of China, the Republic of China has only a few decades. therefore, in the period of the Republic of China, the Republic of China can still be preserved intact after the years of war and war. Although the coin is small, but also can reflect the characteristics of the social culture at that time, the collection is of great significance and profound value. Therefore, it has a high value of cultural relics collection, historical and cultural value and art value.
The double flag coin is a special currency in the year of the Republic of China. As a result of the current turmoil, almost all the provinces in the country have a special money foundry. Therefore, we will find that the currency of that era has a distinct type of founding, indicating which province's mint foundry. The Build 20 article in hunan province is verified by the expert of the appraisal expert. this piece is made of red copper / brass, which is clearly visible in the nature and history of the coins, and is of great collection value.