水泥SNCR(尿素)脱硝喷枪及系统详细介绍: 尿素脱硝系统特点: 不使用催化剂,不产生固体废料; 安装快捷,操作简单,故障效率低,停机时能够自动清洗,能够防止尿素溶液在管路中接近; 每一个设备部件都配有备件,能够系统安全运行。 脱硝,投入成本低。 因为尿素没有毒害,系统安全系数高。 对水泥厂和水泥质量没有影响; Cement SNCR (urea) denitration spray gun and the system in detail: Urea denitration system features: Do not use the catalyst, do not produce solid waste; Fast installation, simple operation, low fault efficiency, downtime can automatic cleaning, can prevent urea solution in a line close to; Each device components are equipped with spare parts, to ensure the safe operation of the system. The denitration efficiency and low cost. Because there is no poison, urea system high safety coefficient. Has no impact on the quality of cement and cement; sncr脱硝喷枪产品介绍CSNCR系列喷枪有三种流量款式 设计特点 1、SNCR喷枪上的喷嘴使用大流量的空气雾化型喷嘴,拥有多级雾化效果,在火力发电厂除尘脱硫脱硝,化工厂、水泥厂和除尘环保工程都有广泛应用; 2、采用双流体喷嘴,并使用蒸汽或空气做第二流体; 3、在恶劣的环境中,效率很高设计以及三级雾化仍能用少的压缩空气使用量达到好的雾化性能; 4、内部装有螺旋喷嘴为第二级雾化喷嘴,螺旋喷嘴的大孔径流通通道设计可有效防止堵塞等恶劣的流体环境。 SNCR系列喷枪的标准材质:316不锈钢钴合金6耐磨护套。如需其他材质,请注明管径、连接方式、喷嘴号、喷雾角度和材料。 角度:20°、60°、90° 流量:2.0-80L/min 材质:303、316、310不锈钢,哈氏合金 喷雾形状:空心锥形、实心锥形、扇形 SNCR denitration gun series product introduction CDE gun there are three kinds of flow pattern, Design features 1, SNCR spray gun nozzle on the use of large flow type air atomizing nozzle, with multistage atomization effect, dust removal desulfurization denitration in coal-fired power plants, chemical plants, cement plants, and dust environmental engineering has a wide application; 2, with double fluid nozzle, and use of steam or air to do a second fluid; 3, in the worst environment, high efficiency design and tertiary atomization can still use the least amount of compressed air atomization performance usage is the highest; 4, inner is equipped with spiral nozzle for secondary atomization nozzle, screw nozzle of large aperture distribution channel design can effectively prevent the blockage of bad fluid environment. Of SNCR gun series standard material: stainless steel 316 cobalt alloy wear resistant sheath 6.If you need other materials, please indicate the diameter, the connection way, nozzle number, spray Angle and materials. 雾化技术的发展趋势 喷枪是作为将涂料雾化后的涂附在被涂物上的一种工具。以前,喷漆师傅采用的都是传统高压空气喷枪进行操作,而这种喷枪由于传递效率过低,导致大量的涂料和溶剂向大气环境中散发,严重污染大气。如今,随着汽车工业和涂装业的不断发展和人们环保意识的不断提高,各国国家和汽车公司开始逐步采用环保型的涂装材料,使涂料在喷涂过程中产生的有害挥发性物质排放量达到环保要求。所以,汽车涂料和工业涂料正向高固体化、水性化、低VOC排放化的方向发展。欧盟也曾提出了将汽车喷漆、金属装饰用油漆以及清漆中所含挥发性有机化合物(VOC)用量减少50%。