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电厂脱硝工程(氨水)详细说明: SNCR脱硝已在国内外电厂广泛应用,脱硝,是行业公认的成熟可靠的脱硝技术。 SNCR反应的温度与锅炉烟气温度恰当符合,能够高的脱硝效率。 脱硝成本低,无需对锅炉进行改造,锅炉系统能够正常运行。 电厂锅炉SNCR脱硝系统有氨水和尿素两种还原剂,以下是两种系统的详细介绍: 电厂SNCR(氨水)脱硝系统 该系统主要组成部分为:卸氨系统、储存系统、清水系统、混合系统、加压系统、计量系统、分配系统、雾化系统、冲洗系统、喷淋系统、排污系统、控制系统。 Power plant denitration project (ammonia) detailing: SNCR denitration has been in power plant is widely used at home and abroad, the denitration efficiency is high, is the industry recognized denitration technology is mature and reliable. SNCR reaction temperature and the boiler flue gas temperature appropriate, to ensure high denitration efficiency. Denitration of low cost, no need for modification of the boiler, the boiler system can run normally. Power plant boiler SNCR denitration system has two kinds of ammonia and urea reductant, here are two kinds of system in detail: Power plant SNCR denitration system (ammonia) Main components of the system is: the discharge of ammonia system, storage system, water system, mixing system, pressure system, measuring system, distribution system, atomization system, rinse system and spray system, sewage system, control system. FM喷枪的应用_喷涂技法和设备的结合 的喷涂工具对涂装技师来说就显得尤为重要。HVLP/RP环保省漆/省漆K3系列高负荷压送式面漆喷枪(表2),主要配合双隔膜泵和涂料压力罐连接使用,具有长时间高负荷生产的特点,非常适合喷涂生产线使用。如:汽车OEM涂装线、巴士生产厂、、大面积工业喷涂和高科技纳米材料大面积喷涂等。 表2 高负荷压送式K3喷枪技术参数 高负荷压送式 K3喷枪类型 喷涂 气压(巴) 耗气量 (升/分钟) 喷涂距离 (厘米) 喷幅 (厘米) 传递 效率 喷嘴口径 HVLP K3系列 2.5 560 13-17 40 65% 0.8-1.0-1.2-1.6-2.0 RP K3系列 2.5 430 15-23 40 65% 0.8-1.1-1.3-1.5-1.7-2.0 良好的喷涂是喷涂设备和喷涂技法的组合。为了大限度提高喷枪的功能和性能: 1、根据不同雾化技术喷枪调节好更好的喷涂气压(表1); 2、将涂料流量调至大,如涂料吐出量过大,尽量不要将枪针过于前移,以免枪针过早磨损; 3、持喷枪喷涂时,喷枪的风帽应与待喷工件的表面呈垂直状(图七); 4、喷枪移动时其轨迹要与喷涂表面保持平行,视使用不同喷枪,喷涂距离也不同(表1); 5、喷涂时,整个手臂移动通过工件表面,保持腕关节笔直,不可作弧线轨迹运行,以免产生涂膜颜色和涂层厚度不均匀现象; 6、在每个喷涂行程开始后触发喷枪扳机,在每个喷涂行程结束之前释放喷枪扳机; 7、视涂料类型不同,其喷幅重叠范围为1/3-1/2不等; 8、视涂料类型不同,喷枪的运行速度为每秒30-50厘米选择,以获得更佳的漆膜厚度。 氨水脱硝喷枪的特点: 1、产生平均粒径为70微米 “微雾”的二流体扇形喷嘴。 2、流量调整范围较大,且喷雾角度变动小。 3、喷雾形状全区域内的粒径均匀。 4、流量分布均等,适合于多数喷嘴排列使用,喷射距离远,穿透力强。 5、异物通过径大,不易阻塞。 6、结构简单,便于维护 7、可移动设计,安装拆卸更加方便快捷,大大节省安装、维修工作量。 8、喷枪可采用气缸推进系统,方便喷枪自动推进,延长喷枪使用寿命。 氨水脱硝喷枪主要用途: 1、 脱硝:氨水、尿素等还原剂的喷洒。 2、 冷却:锅炉尾气、铸件等的冷却。 3、 调湿:混凝土、废气加湿。 4、 焚烧:废水、废液的焚烧 The characteristics of ammonia denitration gun: 1, produce the average particle size is 70 microns 'micro fog' two fluid fan nozzle. 2, flow adjustment range is larger, and spray Angle changes small. 3 shape, spray particle size uniform in all area. 4, equal distribution of flow, suitable for most of the nozzle arrangement is used, jet distance, strong penetrating power. 5, foreign body through the diameter is big, not easy to block. 6, simple structure, easy to maintain 7, portable design, easy installation and removal of more quick, save installation, maintenance workload. 8, spray gun cylinder propulsion system can be used for automatic spray gun propulsion, prolong the service life of spray gun. Ammonia denitration gun main use: 1, denitration: ammonia, urea, such as reducing agent spraying. 2, cooling, boiler exhaust gas, such as casting cooling. 3, wet: concrete, waste gas humidification. 4, burning: waste water, waste burning Material: 303, 316, 310 stainless steel, alloy The spray shape: fan product introduction Ammonia denitration gun ordering information: Feizhuo - F - SS <img src='-1.com/pic/177368/p1/200_79

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