联系人:Peter (报关部)
1、 单证问题:由于各类货物涉及的单证不一样。同时海关对单证要求极其严格,如客人自行操作容易出现单证缺失、单证不全、单证不一。这样很容易耽误时间,导致产生过多的码头杂费,使进口报关的成本增加。 我司(报时捷)拥有的报关团队,可以很好的为客人避免这类的费用产生, 因为专注,所以!《报时捷--让报关更省时更便捷》
2、 货值问题:如进口货物采购价格格很大的幅度,海关审价往往通不过,我司进口专员凭借多年的申报经验,能够尽可能避免这种情况的出现,为客户提供有利的处理方案。
3、 时效问题:很多情况因报关的进度因影响到正个项目的推进,如机床设备不能及时到位,导致生产周期不足,导致不能及时交货。或生产原料因进口报关环节耽误,使产品不能按进度生产,或货物不能准时送到客人的手中,导致客人一系列的问题产生,所以说时效问题需要十分重视。我司操作黄埔港普通货物进口报关时效为1-3天(其它产品需要根据实际情况而定,但是我们会尽力处理)。您刚好需要,而我们正好!您身边的报关团队--报时捷
1. 可为客户快时间查询相关货物的海关进口审价
2. 能灵活的技术性处理相关的装箱单、发票等申报文件。
3. 能通过合理的报关方式为客户谋求低的费,从而减少开支
4. 货物的安全、清关运作快速,为客户提供口岸快速的消毒、熏蒸、检疫工作,清关的时效,避免因操作效率而在码头上产生多余的费用。
"诚信经营、客户至上、互惠互利"是我们的服务宗旨 。公司成立以来,始终秉承稳健务实的作风及良好的信誉,在同行业中建立了良好的口碑,在全球范围内竭诚为广大客户提供、安全、便捷的服务。
“Up? Peris, how am I going to—”
“Straight out the door, in a big rack—bungee jackets.
There’s a whole bunch in case of a fire.”
“You mean jump?” Tally swallowed. Her stomach did abackflip as the elevator came to a halt.
Peris shrugged. “I do it all the time, Squint.” He winked.
“You’ll love it.”
His expression made his pretty face glow even more,UGLIES 19and Tally leaped forward to wrap her arms around him. Hestill felt the same, at least, maybe a bit taller and thinner. Buthe was warm and solid, and still Peris.
She stumbled back as the doors opened. She’d left mudall over his white vest. “Oh, no! I’m—”
“Just go!”
His distress just made Tally want to hug him again. Shewanted to stay and clean Peris up, make sure he lookedperfect for the party. She reached out a hand. “I—”
“But we’re best friends, right?”
He sighed, dabbing at a brown stain. “Sure, forever. Inthree months.”
She turned and ran, the doors closing behind her.
At first no one noticed her on the roof. They were all lookingdown. It was dark except for the occasional flare of asafety sparkler.
Tally found the rack of bungee jackets and pulled atone. It was clipped to the rack. Her fingers fumbled, lookingfor a clasp. She wished she had her interface ring to giveher instructions.
Then she saw the button: PRESS IN CASE OF FIRE.
“Oh, crap,” she said.
Her shadow jumped and jittered. Two pretties werecoming toward her, carrying sparklers.
20 Scott Westerfeld“Who’s that? What’s she wearing?”
“Hey, you! This party is white tie!”
“Look at her face. . . .”
“Oh, crap,” Tally repeated.
And pressed the button.
An ear-shattering siren split the air, and the bungeejacket seemed to jump from the rack into her hand. She slidinto the harness, turning to face the two pretties. Theyleaped back as if she’d transformed into a werewolf. Onedropped the sparkler, and it extinguished itself instantly.
“Fire drill,” Tally said, and ran toward the edge of theroof.
Once she had the jacket around her shoulders, thestrap and zippers seemed to wind around her like snakesuntil the plastic was snug around her waist and thighs. Agreen light flashed on the collar, right where she couldn’thelp but see it.
“Good jacket,” she said.
It wasn’t smart enough to answer, apparently.
The pretties playing on the roof had all gone silent andwere milling around, wondering if there really was a fire.
They pointed at her, and Tally heard the word “ugly” ontheir lips.
What was worse in New Pretty Town, she wondered?