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“It’s me,” Tally said.
Peris took a step back, his eyebrows rising. He lookeddown at her clothes.
Tally realized she was wearing her baggy black expeditionoutfit, muddy from crawling up ropes and through gardens,from falling the vines. Peris’s suit was deepblack velvet, his shirt, vest, and tie all glowing white.
She pulled away. “Oh, sorry. I won’t get you muddy.”
“What are you doing here, Tally?”
“I just—,” she sputtered. Now that she was facing him,she didn’t know what to say. All the imagined conversationshad melted away into his big, sweet eyes. “I had to know ifwe were still . . .”
Tally held out her right hand, the scarred palm facingup, sweaty dirt tracing the lines on it.
Peris sighed. He wasn’t looking at her hand, or into hereyes. Not into her squinty, narrow-set, indifferently browneyes. Nobody eyes. “Yeah,” he said. “But, I mean—couldn’tyou have waited, Squint?”
UGLIES 17Her ugly nickname sounded strange coming from apretty. Of course, it would be even weirder to call himNose, as she used to about a hundred times a day. She swallowed.
“Why didn’t you write me?”
“I tried. But it just felt bogus. I’m so different now.”
“But we’re . . .” She pointed at her scar.
“Take a look, Tally.” He held out his own hand.
The skin of his palm was smooth and unblemished. Itwas a hand that said: I don’t have to work very hard, and I’mtoo clever to have accidents.
The scar that they had made together was gone.
“They took it away.”
“Of course they did, Squint. All my skin’s new.”
Tally blinked. She hadn’t thought of that.
He shook his head. “You’re such a kid still.”
“Elevator requested,” said the elevator. “Up or down?”
Tally jumped at the machine voice.
“Hold, please,” Peris said calmly.
Tally swallowed and closed her hand into a fist. “Butthey didn’t change your blood. We shared that, no matterwhat.”
Peris finally looked directly at her face, not flinching asshe had feared he would. He smiled beautifully. “No, theydidn’t. New skin, big deal. And in three months we canlaugh about this. Unless . . .”
“Unless what?” She looked up into his big brown eyes,so full of concern.
18 Scott Westerfeld“Just promise me that you won’t do any more stupidtricks,” Peris said. “Like coming here. Something that’ll getyou into trouble. I want to see you pretty.”
“Of course.”

Peris was only three months older than Tally, but, droppingher eyes to the floor, she felt like a littlie again. “Allright, I promise. Nothing stupid. And they won’t catch metonight, either.”
“Okay, get your mask and . . .” His voice trailed off.
She turned her gaze to where it had fallen. Discarded,the plastic mask had recycled itself, turning into pink dust,which the carpet in the elevator was already filtering away.
The two stared at each other in silence.
“Elevator requested,” the machine insisted. “Up or down?”
“Peris, I promise they won’t catch me. No pretty canrun as fast as me. Just take me down to the—”
Peris shook his head. “Up, please. Roof.”
The elevator moved.

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